Wichita College Hill Neighborhood Plan
Wichita-Sedgwick County Metropolitan Area Planning Department
Monday May 1, 2023
Location: Wichita, KS
WebsiteThe City of Wichita, Kansas (City) is soliciting proposals from qualified companies to provide professional services and work to develop and undertake planning processes; compile and write; review and produce the following documents:
1. City of Wichita College Hill Neighborhood (Plan); and
2. a zoning overlay district to implement the plan.
The Plan will serve as a guide for the City of Wichita, the neighborhood, and other community stakeholders by identifying future community/neighborhood goals and prioritized actions to achieve them. Although a plan has not been completed, based on input received so far and previous efforts, City staff anticipate that a customized zoning overlay district is desired by the neighborhood and has built it into this scope. The purpose of the overlay district is to provide custom regulations related to the design and land use regulation in the area.
The Wichita-Sedgwick County Metropolitan Area Planning Department will manage the project. Please submit one (1) copy of your proposal utilizing Microsoft Word, Excel and/or Adobe via email to Chris Haislett at [email protected] by 3:00 P.M Central Standard Time. Monday, May 1, 2023. Project Contact All questions relating to this RFP must be put in writing and received by the City no later than 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 19, 2023. Correspondences shall be address to the following contact person, Mary Hunt, Principal Planner [email protected] The responses from the City will be answered through an addendum made available to all interested parties and posted on the project website, https://www.wichita.gov/Planning/Pages/CollegeHill.aspx and as part of this RFP and posted on Vendor Self Service, https://selfservice.wichita.gov/MSS/Vendors/default.aspx It is the proposers’ responsibility to visit the project website regularly for any updated information on this project.
Posted April 20, 2023
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