Terraced Streetscape Zoning District Rewrite
Ferguson Township, Centre County, PA
Friday February 18, 2022
Location: State College, PA
WebsiteThe full RFP is avilable at:
Submit Proposals to:
Attn. Jenna Wargo, AICP
Director of Planning & Zoning
Ferguson Township
3147 Research Drive
State College PA, 16801
Ferguson Township, PA is seeking the services of a qualified consultant to provide professional planning services toward drafting a new zoning ordinance for the Terraced Streetscape (TSD) zoning district. The Terraced Streetscape District is a major corridor into the Township from State College Borough, with the northern boundary abutting Penn State University. The Township has concluded a comprehensive update to the Zoning and Subdivision and Land Development Ordinances (November 2019), however, the Terraced Streetscape District has its own unique sets of assets and challenges, and it has been determined that a zoning rewrite process dedicated to this area is needed to allow for a more in-depth analysis of this transition zone.
The TSD is a mixed-use corridor along West College Avenue (State Route 26) from the boundary of State College Borough (Buckhout Street) to the intersection of Blue Course Drive. The district is approximately 45 acres (93 total parcels—7 parcels are undeveloped). Penn State University's property accounts for 13% of the existing district. This district provides for a mix of commercial (33%) and residential redevelopment meant to be promoted at a pedestrian scale. While the rest of the Township saw significant development in the last decade, the TSD saw minimal development since the implementation of the TSD zoning and design standards.
Five copies of the response must be submitted in a sealed envelope along with a digital copy in PDF format by no later than February 18, 2022 at 4:00PM.
If any additional information is needed regarding the project, you may contact:
Jenna Wargo, AICP | Director of Planning & Zoning
Phone: (814) 238-4651
Email: [email protected]
Posted January 13, 2022
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