Comprehensive Plan Racial Equity Update
City of Raleigh
Thursday September 9, 2021
Location: Raleigh, NC
WebsiteThe purpose of this project is to revise the City of Raleigh’s 2030 Comprehensive Plan with racial equity as the focus area. The Comprehensive Plan will be evaluated for its role in perpetuating racial inequity and for its potential to promote racial equity.
The objectives of the project are:
- To engage the community in order to hear their stories around racial equity in the built environment.
- To build a set of Comprehensive Plan policies and actions that address gaps in racial equity.
This project demonstrates continued work towards the city’s aspirations “to be a model for equity in local government” (City of Raleigh Statement on Equity) by reviewing the policies and actions that guide the city’s growth and development through a racial equity lens. By updating the Plan based on a racial equity framework, the Plan will better align with the city’s most recent FY21-FY25 Strategic Plan.
The equity analysis will incorporate best practices described in APA’s Sustaining Places report and Planning for Equity Policy Guide, racial equity tools published by GARE, and other relevant tools.
A qualified team of public engagement and planning experts will be selected based on the proven excellence in preparing studies that encompass the following elements:
- Substantive community and stakeholder outreach and engagement
- Issues of racial equity, particularly in the built environment
- Affordable housing and residential displacement
- Land use planning
Non-traditional and engagement-focused teams are encouraged to submit.
Posted August 30, 2021
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