Zoning Codes

Meter Maid

Neighborhood Group Kills Affordable Housing Proposal on Parking Concerns in Denver

An affordable housing project requested a waiver of parking requirements to build 36 deeply affordable housing units in Denver. A local neighborhood organization's opposition to the waiver won the day.

August 5, 2020 - Denverite

Derelict Commercial Buildings

Opinion: The Zoning Reform Discourse Needs a Dose of Reality

Lately it seems like people are forgetting that zoning is a legal process, requiring the support of elected officials.

August 3, 2020 - Notes from the Underground

Public Comment

Review: Neighborhood Defenders

A new book explains why people object to new housing in their neighborhoods, and whether these "neighborhood defenders" are representative of the public as a whole.

August 3, 2020 - Michael Lewyn

Stone Arch Bridge

Structural Racism in the Zoning Code

A pair of articles from the Twin Cities, revealing the racist motivations of exclusionary zoning.

August 2, 2020 - Rewire

Piqua, Ohio

New Development Code in the Works for Piqua, Ohio

A southwest Ohio city is updating its development code in response to a desire in the community to better protect the city's existing communities.

August 2, 2020 - Dayton Business Journal

Chicago River Industrial Area

Chicago's New Approach to Air Quality Includes Zoning Changes

Improved air quality can help achieve equitable economic growth, according to Chicago's newly announced Air Quality Agenda.

July 31, 2020 - Smart Cities Dive

Venice, Los Angeles

'Accessory Commercial Units' for a 15-Minute City

A Portland, Oregon urban planner is pitching the idea of ACUs, or accessory commercial units, as a means of repairing the effects of excluding retails uses from residential neighborhoods.

July 29, 2020 - Fast Company

New Zealand Bus Transit

New Zealand Eliminates Parking Minimums and Height Limits to Increase Urban Infill

Once again, New Zealand shows the way! The national government's new urban development policy will eliminate off-street parking requirements and remove low height-limits near transit stations to encourage more efficient infill development.

July 28, 2020 - Stuff

Zoning Code

What Is a Form-Based Code?

Form-based codes are a variety of development regulation that departs significantly from the land use control approach of most zoning codes in the United States.

July 16, 2020 - James Brasuell

New York Development

What Are Zoning Codes?

Local governments use zoning codes to define what can and cannot be built. While comprehensive plans and other kinds of plans lay out a vision for the future, zoning codes offer the legal tools to implement that vision.

July 15, 2020 - James Brasuell

Fringe Development

Marohn: End Single-Family Zoning

A prominent conservative voice in the urban planning debate makes the case for repealing the single-family zoning status quo.

July 8, 2020 - The American Conservative

Missing Middle Housing

What Is Missing Middle Housing?

One of the newest terms in the world of urban planning, Missing Middle Housing has generated a lot of attention in recent years as cities around the United States look for ways to create more housing options in a vast sea of single-family homes.

June 26, 2020 - James Brasuell

Mix of Uses

Zoning Changes for Economic Resilience During and After the Pandemic

Cities can and should look to make changes to the zoning code to support local businesses through this particularly challenging time.

June 25, 2020 - Code Studio

New York City

Advocates Push for Gowanus Rezoning, Stuck in COVID-19 Limbo, to Move Forward

According to advocates, the relative affluence of Gowanus is the reason a plan to rezone the neighborhood must move forward.

June 23, 2020 - The Real Deal

Miami, Florida

11 Years Later: Miami 21 Zoning Code Ready for an Update

Miami 21 was approved in 2009 and heralded as a sign of a new era in zoning. Since then, Miami 21 has been both credited and blamed for the city's transformation.

June 22, 2020 - Miami Herald

Granny Flat

What Are Accessory Dwelling Units?

Sometimes referred to as mother-in-law units or granny flats, Accessory Dwelling Units are a hallmark of contemporary planning as jurisdictions of all sizes and histories legalize the construction of these supplementary residential units.

June 19, 2020 - James Brasuell

Tamir Rice

Planning Beyond Mass Incarceration

Sheryl-Ann Simpson from Carleton University, Justin Steil from MIT, and Aditi Mehta from the University of Toronto write about a recent article they co-authored in the Journal of Planning Education and Research.

June 18, 2020 - JPER


Zoning Code Reform for the Realities of COVID-19

Local governments have more tools than money to relieve some of the economic experience experienced by residents and businesses as the economic effects of the novel coronavirus linger just as long as the public health crisis it causes.

June 17, 2020 - Code Studio

Columbus, Ohio

Laying the Groundwork for Cheaper Multi-Family Housing Construction

The processes of clearing land, building foundations, and making space for parking are three of the most expensive components of the construction process. Zoning can help reduce the costs to deliver more affordable housing supply.

June 3, 2020 - Brookings

Vancouver Al Fresco

How Zoning Reform Can Help Businesses Transition to Outdoor Operations

A trend toward allowing restaurants and retailers to expand operations to the public realm outside their brick and mortar confines is quickly gaining steam.

May 15, 2020 - The Hill

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