Zoning Codes

Philadelphia Construction

Philadelphia City Council Pushing for More Control Over Zoning Variances

A cause abandoned by the Philadelphia City in 2019 is on the table again.

February 1, 2021 - WHYY

Marina City House of Blues parking

What Are Parking Requirements?

Parking requirements determine by law the amount of parking developers must include when building new developments. Though a standard of zoning and development codes nationwide, parking requirements are undergoing a process of reform.

January 31, 2021 - James Brasuell

Suburban Neighborhood

What Is Exclusionary Zoning?

Criticized as a key factor in perpetuating housing inequality in the United States, exclusionary zoning refers to a range of policies that, explicitly or implicitly, seek to prevent people of certain races, ethnicities, or income levels from buying homes in specific neighborhoods.

January 31, 2021 - James Brasuell

Mount Rainier

Sweeping Zoning Reforms Adopted in Olympia

The Olympia, Washington City Council adopted a new Housing Options Code Amendments ordinance, effectively eliminating single-family zoning in the city.

December 13, 2020 - The Olympian

Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta to Tackle Affordability by Zoning Reform

A new initiative designed to implement the goals of the One Atlanta Housing Affordability Action Plan was announced last week in Atlanta.

December 7, 2020 - The Atlanta Voice

Chicago, Illinois

'Anti-Conversion Ordinance' Considered in Chicago

New zoning controls would make it harder to convert multi-unit residential buildings into single-family homes to prevent displacement in single-family neighborhoods in Chicago.

December 4, 2020 - The Daily Line

New York City Development

Court Will Decide Whether to Reduce NYC Skyscraper's Height

The new skyscraper being built at 200 Amsterdam Avenue in Manhattan might be forced by an appeals court to remove 20 floors of the mostly complete building.

November 24, 2020 - Curbed

Texas Townhomes

Four Steps for Effective Land Use Reform

Land use and zoning reform is not a magic wand, and effective changes to any planning regime change requires careful work. A new report Urban Institute provides case studies and guidance on how to achieve desired outcomes from a reform process.

October 27, 2020 - Urban Institute

Climate Resilience Planning

Proposed Citywide Rezoning Would Layer Resilience in New York City

With 520 miles of coastline, New York City is ready to implement the lessons of Hurricane Sandy in the zoning code for the entire city.

October 22, 2020 - NYC Planning

Ohio River

Form-Based Codes Explained as Covington's Neighborhood Development Code Takes Effect

The new form-based code for the Kentucky city of Covington went into effect on October 15. Officials are promoting the simplicity of the new code to the public.

October 19, 2020 - WCPO

Compton, California

What Is a Specific Plan?

Specific Plans are unique to the state of California, but come up frequently in media coverage of planning. Understanding the purpose of Specific Plans can also open a window to understanding of how planning works all over the country.

October 16, 2020 - James Brasuell

Zoning Code Rendering

First Look: Zoning Changes Proposed to Implement Minneapolis' Landmark Comp Plan

A plan is only as good as its implementation, and so the Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan needs the right zoning code to achieve its lofty goals.

October 16, 2020 - Streets MN

Chicago, Illinois

A Pro-Development Approach to Housing Affordability and Economic Growth

Decades of building housing on the fringes of metropolitan areas have mired the United States in a housing affordability crisis defined by a widening gap between the haves and the have nots.

October 6, 2020 - Vox

Cincinnati Area

New Form-Based Neighborhood Development Code Approved in Covington, Kentucky

Covington, Kentucky, located just across the Ohio River from Cincinnati, has implemented a fundamental shift in the city's planning philosophy by adopting a new form-based Neighborhood Development Code.

September 29, 2020 - The River City News

Ben Carson

The Hypocrisies and Troubles of Local Control

President Trump has opinions about the sanctity of local control that don't agree with his other opinions about local control. This is a cautionary tale.

September 16, 2020 - James Brasuell

Fast Forward Bus

Senate Report Proposes Land Use and Transportation Reforms to Get Americans Out of Cars

Progress in combating climate change won't be possible unless Americans drive less. And Americans won't be able to drive less without changes to land use patterns in the United States.

September 16, 2020 - Transportation for America

Houston, Construction

Houston Lacks Zoning—Or Does It? The State Supreme Court Will Decide

A lawsuit argues that Houston's Historic Preservation Ordinance is a form of de facto land use control, equivalent to zoning, which isn't allowed by state and local laws.

September 15, 2020 - Houston Chronicle

Residential Neighborhood

Missing Middle Density Will Take More Than Zoning Changes

Looking for change in the housing supply? "Don't stop at the zoning code and think you're done. There's so much work left to do."

September 8, 2020 - Strong Towns

Highway 65 Construction

Zoning Reforms Underwhelm in Minneapolis as Development Market Holds Course

As one of the first city's to comprehensively allow for residential density, Minneapolis was probably hoping for more than what it's achieved so far.

September 2, 2020 - City Pages


Connecting Sprawl to Inequality and Climate Change

The consequences of more than a century of planning and zoning are gaining more attention in the media as the country struggles through a pandemic. Will these lessons win new political support for more density in residential neighborhoods?

August 10, 2020 - NPR

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