United Kingdom

Channel Train Cars

With No Plan for Brexit in Place, the Channel Tunnel Hangs in the Balance

About 20 million tons of freight moves through the Channel Tunnel between England and France every year. The process for moving that freight could vary depending on how Brexit goes down.

July 5, 2018 - Quartz

London Ride Hailing

Uber Gets its License Back, Still on Probation, in London

London gave Uber a more than a slap on the wrist for the company's lack of concern about public safety. Uber demonstrated sufficient contrition to get back in the large, influential city's good graces.

June 29, 2018 - BBC News

Manhattan Bus

Pre-Signals Speed Up Buses on Narrow Streets

Pre-signals offer the benefit of a dedicated lane on smaller streets that can't accommodate a dedicated bus lane.

June 13, 2018 - CityLab

Traffic Safety

Scotland Could Take '20 Is Plenty' National

It looks very likely that Scotland will take unprecedented action—and global leadership—in the name of traffic safety.

May 19, 2018 - Price Tags

San Mateo Bikeshare

Bike to Work and Live Longer

A large scale study conducted in the U.K. shows biking to work leads to a longer life, despite dangers on the roads.

May 16, 2018 - Streetsblog USA

London Bus

UK's Labour Party Proposes Free Bus Fare for All People Under 25

Young people make less money and spend a greater share of their incomes on transit than their older peers. Labour thinks subsidizing travel for young people could be a boost to young people and the economy.

May 13, 2018 - The Guardian

Busy Downtown

How Social Physics Explains About the World

Big data has ushered in a new era of Social Physics.

April 25, 2018 - BBC - The Big Idea

London Traffic

Gaining Support: Plan to Close Oxford Street in London to Cars

A proposal to block cars (and bikes) from Oxford Street has the support of London Mayor and the Westminster Council—as well as the general public.

March 16, 2018 - Evening Standard

U.K. Couple Fined for Living in Home Disguised as Garage

Reeta Herzallah and Hamdi Almasri used a fake garage door to live in an area that required a garage space.

February 18, 2018 - The Guardian

New York Parking

New York City Congestion Pricing Plan Deserves to Move Forward

Congestion pricing, done right (details matter), mitigates a downside of urban density: traffic congestion. Professor John Rennie Short explores the history of congestion pricing, its application in Singapore and London, and why it's good for NYC.

February 13, 2018 - The Conversation

Anti homeless bench

An Artist Campaigns Against Anti-Homeless 'Hostile Design'

Bournemouth native Stuart Semple is intent on "naming and shaming the bodies who fund and install these things."

February 12, 2018 - The Art Newspaper

High-Speed Rail

Coming This Spring: High-Speed Rail Between London and Amsterdam

Europe might be in political turmoil, but Eurostar high-speed rail service is expanding its reach.Europe might be in political turmoil, but Eurostar high-speed rail service is expanding its reach.

February 11, 2018 - Quartz

Brockworth in Gloucestershire

Map of U.K. Development Types Reveals Wide Open Spaces

Satellite images make some of the best maps.

February 3, 2018 - Local Authority of Building Control

Baltimore, Maryland

How British Investments Enabled American Segregation

Exploring the surprising origins of the American suburbs.

January 30, 2018 - Building Suburban Power


How Cycling Can Help the Disabled Stay Mobile

In the U.K. university town of Cambridge, more than a quarter of disabled commuters travel by bike.

January 4, 2018 - The Guardian

Double Trucks

Movement Toward Mileage Fee Gains Momentum in U.K. with Truck Fee

British trucker calls for a level playing field with 'continental trucks' that may pay no diesel duty is one impetus for the vehicle miles traveled fee that would also consider emissions. The Transport Department stresses it would not apply to cars.

December 28, 2017 - The Times

Bird Poop Prevention

Pigeon Spikes…on Trees

A developer in Bristol installed pigeon spikes on trees to keep bird droppings off cars.

December 26, 2017 - BBC

London Underground

How London's Leading on Transit Data

Transport for London is forging ahead on several projects to collect and use more rider data. One initiative draws on WiFi connections to map users' paths through the London Underground.

December 13, 2017 - DW.com

Shared Street

Video Explainer: The Magic of Shared Streets

Most people would probably assume a shared street, with no signs, lanes, or other regulatory infrastructure, is an accident waiting to happen. More and more cities are proving the opposite.

December 1, 2017 - Vox on YouTube

London Truck

London Plan Takes a Bold Stand Against Parking

The new 25-tear London Plan would ban the construction of parking in large swatches of the city. It's just one component of an ambitious policy agenda presented by London Mayor Sadiq Khan this week.

December 1, 2017 - BBC

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