
Aerial view of downtown Baltimore, Maryland with freeways in foreground

Baltimore 2050 Transportation Plan Perpetuates Auto-Centric Planning

The region’s long-range transportation plan fails to boost investment in transit, opting to fund road expansions instead.

July 30, 2023 - The Baltimore Sun

Traffic on Hawaii highway with green mountains in background

Hawaii Could Implement Road Usage Charge

The tax would apply to electric vehicles, which avoid the state’s gas tax and are a growing percentage of cars on the road.

July 28, 2023 - KHON

Google Street view of small one-story wooden house in Sandridge, South Carolina

New Highways Are Still Tearing Communities Apart

Residents of a historic Black South Carolina town are being displaced by a road widening project.

July 28, 2023 - The Guardian

Close-up of bus driver holding bus steering wheel

How HR Shortcomings are Kneecapping Transit Agencies

Facing severe staffing shortages and high rates of burnout, transit agencies must improve their human resources departments and create healthier work environments to address current lapses in service.

July 27, 2023 - Streetsblog USA

Hand holding up a TAP transit fare card to fare collection turnstile

L.A. Metro Introduces Fare Capping Tech

Los Angeles transit riders who pay as they go will have their fare capped at $5 per day or $18 per week.

July 26, 2023 - Business Wire

View of CHicago elevated train passing by multistory building downtown

Expanding Chicago TOD Zones Could Boost Transit Ridership

Data indicates broadening the definition of transit-oriented zones to include more of the city would put housing within easy reach of transit for more residents and increase ridership.

July 26, 2023 - Streetsblog Chicago

View of busy traffic on Williamsburg Bridge in Brooklyn, New York City

New York Officials Balk at Congestion Pricing Lawsuits

The cordon pricing program ‘is going to happen,’ said New York Governor Kathy Hochul.

July 26, 2023 - StreetsBlog NYC

Vintage filtered photo of Interstate 405 North and South sign

Toll Lane Rebellion Fails to Materialize in Southern California

The 405 Express Lanes will open in Orange County later this year despite the warnings from a former Huntington Beach mayor of a resident-led rebellion in response to road pricing. But will the toll lanes mitigate congestion? Academics weigh in.

July 25, 2023 - Los Angeles Times

Google maps directions showing "saves gas" route

Google Maps Feature Identifies Most Fuel-Efficient Routes

A new feature highlights routes that use the least gas to help users make the most fuel-efficient driving decisions.

July 25, 2023 - The Verge

Centro Ybor

Tampa Unveils 30-Year Mobility Plan

The Tampa MOVES plan would spend $2 billion to relieve congestion, reduce traffic collisions, and improve mobility equity in the city.

July 25, 2023 - WUSF

Aerial view of Verrazano-Narrows Bridge to Staten Island

Staten Island Sues Over Congestion Pricing, Too

The borough’s president says the plan would bring more traffic to Staten Island and unjustly burden its residents with air pollution and tolls.

July 25, 2023 - WABC

A map of the route the 16 bus takes along 3rd Street across Los Angeles.

Popular L.A. Bus Line to Replace Schedule With ‘Headway-Based Operations’

Los Angeles’ 16 bus, which cuts across the city on Third Street through some of the city’s densest neighborhoods, will experiment with a new approach to service design.

July 24, 2023 - LAist

Close-up of hand holding charging cable moving toward charging port on electric car.

Road Funding Options: The Alternative to the Alternative

The inverse relationship between electric vehicle sales and gasoline tax revenues has caused the federal government and many states to investigate mileage fees as an alternative funding option to fuel taxes. Iowa is going a different route.

July 24, 2023 - Clean Energy Districts of Iowa

View of George Washington Bridge between New York and New Jersey again sunrise or sunset sky

NJ v. U.S. DOT: Cordon Pricing in Manhattan

The State of New Jersey filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Transportation on Friday to halt the Manhattan cordon pricing project approved in June by the FHWA, charging that they violated the National Environmental Protection Act.

July 24, 2023 - NJBIZ Journal

Interstate 605 in Los Angeles with green freeway signs and light traffic

L.A. Freeway Expansion to Move Ahead, Sans Displacement

The 605 freeway expansion project was expected to demolish hundreds of homes and multifamily buildings.

July 23, 2023 - Streetsblog LA

Traffic on the George Washington Bridge between New York City and New Jersey

New Jersey Takes New York to Court Over Congestion Pricing

The state is suing to stop New York City’s proposed congestion pricing program, which New Jersey Governor Philip Murphy says would unfairly penalize Garden State residents.

July 23, 2023 - The New York Times

Snow covers a sidewalk and small homes on a Chicago street

Chicago Approves Sidewalk Clearing Pilot

The new program will develop plans for keeping sidewalks clear of snow and ice to improve accessibility.

July 21, 2023 - Streetsblog Chicago

White shuttle bus picks up passengers in Zion National Park, red cliffs and mountains in background.

Improving Transit Access to Parks and Trails

Too often, national parks and other recreational spaces in the United States are difficult or impossible to access without a car. Some parks are working to change that.

July 21, 2023 - Streetsblog USA

Maricopa County, Arizona

Phoenix Could Ease Parking Requirements to Support Transit, Affordable Housing

In addition to lower citywide parking requirements on residential properties, a proposed law in Phoenix would lower minimum parking requirements even further for affordable housing developments near the city’s light rail system.

July 20, 2023 - Arizona Central

A conceptual rendering of a bus stop and bus-only lane on a downtown street.

Land Use Changes Could Improve Walkability Along Bus Rapid Transit Corridor in Denver

Denver councilmembers are proposing an overhaul of land use regulations along a long stretch of East Colfax Avenue—the route of a planned Bus Rapid Transit line expected to open in 2026.

July 20, 2023 - Denverite

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