Single-Family Zoning

1719 house in Salem, Massachusetts

Greater Boston Considers Relaxing ADU Rules as Housing Shortage Deepens

Cities in the region want to increase flexibility for homeowners who want to build 'granny flats' on their property.

July 27, 2021 - Boston Globe

Charlottesville Downtown mall

Controversial Comprehensive Plan Update Moves Forward in Charlottesville

Residents have had a chance to oppose the new residential density proposed by the "Charlottesville Plans Together" comprehensive planning process.

July 1, 2021 - The Daily Progress


Charlotte's New, Controversial Comprehensive Plan to End Single-Family Zoning

A tight vote after months of controversy has produced a major zoning reform effort that differs significantly from recent examples on the West Coast and in Minneapolis.

June 30, 2021 - Charlotte Observer

Connecticut Capitol Building

Connecticut Approves Statewide Zoning Reforms—Bill Awaits Governor's Signature

Advocates and political supporters are calling HB 1607 an incremental, first step, after the process of building a winning political coalition cut back some of the original ambition of the statewide zoning reform effort.

June 2, 2021 - Hartford Courant

Back Bay Boston

What Is Multi-Family Housing?

Often discussed in contrast with single-family zoning, multi-family housing includes buildings and complexes that house more than one household in the same property.

June 1, 2021 - Diana Ionescu

Tacoma Washington

Sweeping Residential Zoning Reform Advances in Tacoma

Zoning and land use changes proposed in the Home in Tacoma plan, an element of the One Tacoma Comprehensive Plan, was approved this month by the Tacoma Planning Commission.

May 28, 2021 - The Urbanist

New York Development

Opinion: Zoning Reform Is a Social Justice Issue

Far from an obscure, wonky local issue, zoning reform has the potential to advance social justice in American cities.

April 22, 2021 - The New York Times

Columbus Ohio

Ohio Economists: Relax Zoning to Lower Housing Costs

A panel of Ohio economists make the case for more multi-family housing and businesses in single-family neighborhoods.

April 22, 2021 - Ohio Capital Journal

Washington, D.C. Historic District

Balancing Aesthetics and Affordability

Policies too narrowly focused on design can drive up the cost of construction and prevent the development of affordable housing.

April 20, 2021 - Slate

Back Yard

With Regulations Loosened, Granny Flat Construction Soars in California

Less restrictive permit laws and pre-fabricated, pre-approved building options are spurring more homeowners to build backyard additions.

April 9, 2021 - Bloomberg CityLab

Queen Anne Hill Seattle

Seattle Has a Housing Crisis, Not a Land Crisis

Like many attractive, economically successful cities Seattle has a housing crisis, but not a land crisis. There is plenty of land if the city will just grow up.

April 4, 2021 - The Urbanist


One Berkeley Resident's Fight to Desegregate the City

Dorothy Walker has spent decades working to eliminate housing discrimination. In February, the city council finally agreed.

April 1, 2021 - Grist

New York Development

What Is Upzoning?

Upzoning is a term used to describe changes to a zoning code made to increase the amount of development allowed in the future.

March 31, 2021 - James Brasuell

Washington D.C. Street

'Housing Supply and Affordability Act' Offers $1.5 Billion in Grants for Development-Friendly Zoning Reforms

The Housing Supply and Affordability Act would be a major victory for the YIMBY cause.

March 24, 2021 - Bloomberg CityLab


Opinion: California Should Pass Aggressive Housing Reform

While some lawmakers oppose recent efforts to reform housing policies, others argue the state's affordability crisis calls for bold action.

March 19, 2021 - OC Register

Oakland California Road

Oakland Wants to Make Space for Fourplexes

The city of Oakland in the East Bay Area is a hotbed of planning and development issues, most notably gentrification and the displacement of communities of color. Now the city is considering a drastic change to its zoning code.

March 18, 2021 - Oaklandside

Connecticut Capitol Building

Next Up for Statewide Zoning Reform: Connecticut

A proposed package of reforms working through the Connecticut Legislature would loosen zoning codes in a state traditionally committed to single-family zoning.

March 17, 2021 - Diana Ionescu

Victoria, British Columbia

Home-Based Businesses Could Save the Post-Pandemic Economy

Seattle's city council considers reducing 'arbitrary' and 'exclusionary' limits on home-based businesses.

March 8, 2021 - The Urbanist

Grizzly Point Berkeley

Upzoning Catches on in California

Eliminating single-family zoning and other exclusionary ordinances could have major impacts on housing in some of the country's most unaffordable cities.

March 8, 2021 - Bloomberg CityLab

Highway 101 California

Zoning Reform Skepticism

Ending single-family zoning, as more cities around the United States have begun to do, is too extreme a response to contemporary planning challenges, according to a recent opinion piece published by the East Bay Times.

March 4, 2021 - East Bay Times

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