Redevelopment Agencies

Brooklyn, New York City

What Is Redevelopment?

Redevelopment includes all development projects that build new structures and land uses on a previously developed site. Understanding the nuances of redevelopment is critical for understanding the ways cities and communities change.

July 29, 2022 - James Brasuell

Carquinez Bridge

The Well Has Run Dry: Redevelopment in Vallejo, CA Without Tax Increment Financing

A case study of Vallejo shows how the city is continuing revitalization efforts without the powerful tools provided by its former redevelopment agency.

June 24, 2016 - Linda Day

Straight Talk on the Dissolution of California Redevelopment Agencies

A panel of distinguished Angelenos recently discussed the missteps that led to the dissolution of California's redevelopment agencies, the hole that their closure creates, and the possible paths forward.

April 10, 2012 - The Planning Report

Stay of Execution for California's Redevelopment Agencies?

The Supreme Court decision to approve the elimination of California's redevelopment agencies late last year set February 1st as the date of dissolution. A new bill in the state senate would slow down the clock.

January 17, 2012 - California Planning & Development Report

A Way Forward for Redevelopment in California?

In an opinion piece for the Los Angeles Times, William Fulton, former mayor of Ventura and the only mayor in California who supported the Governor's proposal to end redevelopment, offers concrete steps for reviving redevelopment in the state.

January 13, 2012 - Los Angeles Times

How The State Will Pick California's Redevelopment Carcass

In last week's court ruling, the California Supreme Court didn't just kill redevelopment. The court also upheld a drawn-out process of other agencies picking the meat off redevelopment's bones.

January 5, 2012 - California Planning & Development Report

Abolished, California's Redevelopment Agencies Cling to Life

The California State Supreme Court recently upheld the eradication of the state's roughly 400 redevelopment agencies, and now officials from those groups are trying to convince legislators to give back some of their spending powers.

January 4, 2012 - Los Angeles Times

California Supreme Court Rules to Eliminate Redevelopment Agencies

The court's decision is likely to have far-reaching effects on how cities in California finance and facilitate urban redevelopment.

December 30, 2011 - Los Angeles Times

California Cities Sue Over Laws That Kill Redevelopment

Cities have filed a lawsuit with the California State Supreme Court over recently passed laws that eliminate funding for the state's redevelopment agencies.

July 19, 2011 - San Jose Mercury News

Projects Die As Redevelopment Agencies Try to Survive

Legislation in California that officially dissolves its redevelopment agencies offers them the chance to stay alive -- but at a cost that may be too high for some.

July 12, 2011 - The Architect's Newspaper

Redevelopment Plans Shaken Up as California Cuts Budget

Urban redevelopment plans to slow or stall in California, as Governor Jerry Brown slashes the budgets of redevelopment agencies in the state.

July 3, 2011 - The Sacramento Bee

The New Redevelopment

As redevelopment agencies face the chopping block in California, new legislation could allow tax increment financing districts to essentially replace them.

June 1, 2011 - Bondbuyer

Political Skirmish Over Redevelopment Agencies in Indiana

Indiana State Sen. Luke Kenley thinks the state's redevelopment agencies have too much freedom to approve spending on large projects and has proposed a bill to curb their power, but the state House has refused to hear the bill.

April 18, 2011 - The Indianapolis Star

Redevelopment Agencies' Debt Overshadows Revenue

California's redevelopment agencies have almost as much if not more debt than what they pull in from tax revenues, according to this investigation by The Wall Street Journal.

April 12, 2011 - The Wall Street Journal

Redevelopment on its Deathbed

As lawmakers in California wrangle over the state's budget, redevelopment agencies appear to be days away from being killed.

March 22, 2011 - California Planning and Development Report

Fearing the End, Redevelopment Agencies Go on Bond Spree

Facing possible dissolution, redevelopment agencies in California have gone on a bond-spree in the early months of 2011.

March 14, 2011 - Los Angeles Times

Audit Rips CA Redevelopment Agencies

California Controller John Chiang, an independent, elected officer, audited 18 of the state's 425 redevelopment agencies (representing 16% of all RDA dollars) and found huge differences in how blight is defined and a lack of accountability.

March 8, 2011 - Los Angeles Times

CA Redevelopment Agencies To Be Audited By State

In what looks like a developing battle between states and cities over redevelopment, the California state comptroller announced that he will audit 18 redevelopment agencies.

January 28, 2011 - Los Angeles Times

In Defense Of CA's Redevelopment Agencies

Redevelopment agencies are vital to job creation and necessary for central cities to stem suburban job sprawl, claims Gerald Metcalf, executive director of a SF urban think tank (SPUR), countering CA Gov. Jerry Brown's proposed elimination of them.

January 24, 2011 - San Francisco Chronicle - Sunday Insight

City Leaders Push Back on Redevelopment Axing in California

A group of city leaders and activists gathered in Sacramento to protest Governor Jerry Brown's plan to close the state's redevelopment agencies.

January 24, 2011 - San Francisco Chronicle

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