Public Health


Study: Bikeshare Boosts Riding in Philadelphia

Public health researchers outline the benefits of Philadelphia’s Indego bikeshare network, which has encouraged more residents to choose biking over other transit modes.

November 2, 2022 - WHYY

A group of protestors oppose mandatory vaccinations during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Shifting Demographics of Covid-19

For most of the Covid-19 pandemic, Black Americans died at much higher rates than White Americans. That trend has reversed at times during the past year.

October 23, 2022 - The Washington Post

"NO Public Restroom" sign on restaurant window

Opinion: Opening Restrooms to Public Is Good for Business

For many people with chronic illnesses, access to public restrooms can be a critical medical issue. Incentivizing businesses to open their restrooms can fill a critical gap in U.S. cities.

October 9, 2022 - Bloomberg CityLab

Schoolyard with leafy green trees surrounded by benches

Investing in Green Schoolyards

California's budget now includes an unprecedented investment of $150 million to create green schoolyards and schoolyard forests at K-12 schools across the state.

September 20, 2022 - Green Schoolyards America blog

Green Healthy Community

Making Healthy Places

The editors of the book "Making Healthy Places," recently published in a second edition by Island Press, discuss the intersections of public health and planning, including key concepts such as green gentrification, health impact assessments, and AI.

September 18, 2022 - Laurie Mazur

Air Pollution

Democrats Call for Stronger Action on Environmental Justice

The Justice40 initiative could make a major difference for communities burdened by pollution, but only if funds are spent on projects that maintain a focus on equity.

September 18, 2022 - The Washington Post

"QUIET Please be considerate of our neighbors" sign on outside of building with dim light

Houston Doubles Noise Violation Fine

In response to a spike in complaints from people living near bars and clubs, Houston has updated its noise ordinance to raise fines and require additional permits for amplified sound.

September 8, 2022 - Houston Chronicle

Three blue Amazon delivery trucks at bays at a distribution center

Key Warehouse Centers Challenge Distribution Center Expansion

Communities near major e-commerce distribution centers are increasingly resisting new construction, citing air pollution and other public health impacts.

August 16, 2022 - Bloomberg CityLab


Opinion: Aging Population, Declining Fertility Requires Long-Term Investments

Faced with the dire consequences of a one-two punch of aging populations and declining birthrates, one writer has suggestions for how policy can help ensure a better future.

August 9, 2022 - Financial Times

Window air conditioner units on a brick building

Oregon Law Requires Cooling, but Could Leave Many Renters Out

A state bill requiring landlords to allow tenants to install portable air conditioners comes with a raft of exemptions that could restrict the most affordable options.

July 27, 2022 - KPTV

Woman smelling flowers at a street stand

Sensory Urbanism Fights ‘Visual Bias’ in Planning

Researchers are beginning to understand the effect of sounds, smells, and tastes in the urban experience.

June 20, 2022 - Technology Review

High Line park NYC - Manhattan - New York City

Unsurprisingly, People Enjoy Walking More in Safe, Green Spaces

New research shows that people are likely to walk more in places that are both walkable and green.

June 15, 2022 - NCSU News

Aerial view of warehouses in San Bernardino, California

Communities Near Warehouses Unprotected by Outdated Zoning Codes

Today’s massive modern distribution centers have outsized impacts on adjacent neighborhoods. But outdated zoning codes often let them slip through the cracks with no environmental review.

June 2, 2022 - Next City

Montreal, Quebec

Urban Design, Transport, and Health

The Lancet medical journal published a series of articles that explore how to evaluate and guide urban planning decisions to create healthy and sustainable cities. Live long and prosper!

May 20, 2022 - The Lancet - Urban Design, Transport, and Health

portrait of woman walking on the city street covering her ears

California Bill Proposes Automated Noise Pollution Enforcement

If signed by Governor Gavin Newsom, a new bill would use automated sensors and cameras to enforce decibel limits on cars and motorcycles.

May 12, 2022 - AutoWeek

LAX Cars

Car Noise Is Killing Us

It’s not just traffic collisions that kill—a new study from researcher at Rutgers finds that the loud noises emanating from cars has direct impact on heart health in Americans.

May 6, 2022 - Streetsblog USA

A pair of crash test dummies in a car after a crash with air bags deployed.

Acceptable Deaths

What can we learn from our Covid response?

May 5, 2022 - Angie Schmitt

View of neighborhood with oil wells between houses

Federal Funding Boosts California Effort To Seal Abandoned Oil Wells

The state’s oil-producing regions are dotted with oil wells that contribute to water and air pollution and threaten public health.

April 29, 2022 - Los Angeles Daily News

Thermometer infront of blurred image of street during heat wave

Extreme Heat as a Public Health Crisis

Cities can take action to improve conditions during extreme heat events and prevent heat-related deaths, many of which occur in low-income communities.

April 27, 2022 - Wired

Orange sky in San Francisco during wildfires

Report: The West Is the Worst for Air Quality

Thanks to longer fire seasons and increasingly intense blazes, Western states are experiencing the nation’s worst air quality.

April 27, 2022 - High Country News

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Urban Design for Planners 1: Software Tools

This six-course series explores essential urban design concepts using open source software and equips planners with the tools they need to participate fully in the urban design process.

Planning for Universal Design

Learn the tools for implementing Universal Design in planning regulations.