Missing Middle Housing

Residential Neighborhood

Missing Middle Density Will Take More Than Zoning Changes

Looking for change in the housing supply? "Don't stop at the zoning code and think you're done. There's so much work left to do."

September 8, 2020 - Strong Towns

Highway 65 Construction

Zoning Reforms Underwhelm in Minneapolis as Development Market Holds Course

As one of the first city's to comprehensively allow for residential density, Minneapolis was probably hoping for more than what it's achieved so far.

September 2, 2020 - City Pages


Missing Middle Housing Study Launches in Arlington County, Virginia

Missing Middle Housing, the kinds of additional density that can be added with limited construction on a footprint the size of traditional single-family homes, is gaining momentum in the D.C. region.

August 23, 2020 - Greater Greater Washington

Boston, Massachusetts

How Massachusetts Got its Historic Planning Reform Moment

As reported earlier this month, the Massachusetts Legislature is poised to approve historic statewide land use reforms that would preempt local control of residential development. Here's a detailed account of how the state arrived at this moment.

August 21, 2020 - Shelterforce Magazine

Residential Density

Missing Middle Housing: Thinking Big and Building Small to Respond to Today’s Housing Crisis

Dan Parolek, inventor of the term Missing Middle Housing, has written a new book on the subject, available now from Island Press. The following excerpts offer insight into overcoming planning and regulatory barriers to deliver the desired housing.

August 18, 2020 - Dan Parolek

South Bay Area

Proposed Single-Family Zoning Reform Would Have a Big Footprint in California

SB 1120 is the latest law proposed in the California Legislature to preempt restrictive local zoning.

August 17, 2020 - Terner Center for Housing Innovation


The 'Most Pro-Housing Reform in U.S. History' Expected for Approval Today in Portland

The Portland Residential Infill Project is expected for approval by the Portland City Council today, culminating a six year process that became more and more ambitious with every iteration.

August 12, 2020 - Sightline Institute

Burlington Vermont

Missing Middle Zoning Reform Advances in the Vermont Legislature

The Vermont State Senate voted unanimously to approve legislation that would reduce barriers to more compact residential development. The Vermont House of Representatives is up next.

August 3, 2020 - CNU Public Square

Accessory Dwelling Unit

The Untapped Resources to Add Hundreds of Thousands of New Housing Units

A new report explores the untapped housing opportunities for the region around New York City, and suggests planning tools for adding hundreds of thousands of housing units without building hundreds of thousands of new buildings.

August 3, 2020 - Regional Plan Association

Granny Flat

ADU Business Booming in California

The number of Californians adding Accessory Dwelling Units to residential properties has quickly grown during the pandemic, according to industry sources.

July 21, 2020 - The San Francisco Chronicle


Pro-Development Coalition Forms in Connecticut

DesegregateCT is a growing coalition of groups coalescing behind ideas like Missing Middle Housing and zoning reform as a means to improved housing affordability.

July 20, 2020 - Hartford Courant

Missing Middle Housing

What Is Missing Middle Housing?

One of the newest terms in the world of urban planning, Missing Middle Housing has generated a lot of attention in recent years as cities around the United States look for ways to create more housing options in a vast sea of single-family homes.

June 26, 2020 - James Brasuell

Granny Flat

What Are Accessory Dwelling Units?

Sometimes referred to as mother-in-law units or granny flats, Accessory Dwelling Units are a hallmark of contemporary planning as jurisdictions of all sizes and histories legalize the construction of these supplementary residential units.

June 19, 2020 - James Brasuell


Silver Spring Downtown Plan Expanding to Make Room for the Missing Middle

Planners are hoping that by expanding the boundaries of the Silver Spring Downtown Plan in Montgomery County, Maryland, new opportunities for missing middle housing will create new opportunities for housing affordability.

June 9, 2020 - Greater Greater Washington

City Apartments

Opinion: Less Restrictive Zoning Necessary for Urban Areas to Lead Recovery

An opinion piece makes the case for pro-development urban planning as a tool of economic recovery.

May 13, 2020 - The New York Times

Washington D.C.

D.C. Comp Plan Update Includes 'Gentle Density' in Single-Family Residential Neighborhoods

A lot of long-term planning is underway in Washington, D.C.

April 29, 2020 - Urban Turf

Accessory Dwelling Unit

6 Zoning Keys for Effective Missing Middle Housing

The inventor of the term missing middle housing has advice on writing zoning codes that effectively deliver on the potential of the tool.

March 23, 2020 - CNU Public Square

Pearl District

Portland 2035 Comprehensive Plan Clears Legal Hurdle

The portion of Portland's Comprehensive Plan devoted to missing middle housing spurred a lawsuit that held up the plan until January of this year.

March 9, 2020 - City of Portland

Basement Apartment

Illinois Could Force Statewide Legislation of Accessory Dwelling Units

State legislation would preempt local governments that block the construction of accessory dwelling units, known locally as coach houses, to increase the supply of affordable housing options in the state.

March 5, 2020 - Crain's Chicago Business

Missing Middle Housing

Legislation to Lift Local Prohibition of Middle Housing Proposed in Washington State

Washington State is the latest example of a state that wants to preempt local planning law to make it easier to add housing units to single-family residential properties all over the states.

January 23, 2020 - Sightline Institute

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