Multi-Location Healthcare Painting Project
by CertaPro Painters
Multi-Location Healthcare Painting Project
CertaPro Painters of Sarasota-Bradenton was engaged in painting multiple locations for Suncoast Blood Banks in Florida. The scope of the project was to fill nail holes, fix any cracks in the walls, and paint walls and door frames only.
Condition before painting:
There were many walls with nail holes or cracks that needed to be filled and repainted. In addition to painting of interior walls, painting of the door frames, which were showing signs of wear were also included in the project.
Scope of work:
This project was limited to fixing of nail holes and cracks in the walls, and to paint the walls and door frames. Some interior rooms included painting of accent walls, the accent walls needed an extra coat of paint due to their darker base color.
A team of four painters worked on the weekends to avoid the busy schedules of each location and minimize disruption of day to day operations at the blood bank. The CertaPro Painters of Sarasota-Bradenton crew completed the project in 2 days.

Below are photos of the blood bank before the project was completed.

Before Painting - Interior Rooms
The interior walls had any nail holes or dings patched. This before photo shows the green interior color scheme prior to painting.
Here are the photos of the blood bank after completion of the project.

Updated Interior Door Trim
The scope of work included painting for trim around all interior doors, this photo shows a finished door trim after painting.

After Painting - Lobby Walls
The lobby wall was updated to a modern light gray color, which was more welcoming than the original stark white.