Waterproof Coatings For Commercial Properties
by CertaPro Painters®
Commercial Painting > Services
Waterproof Coatings to Protect Business and Commercial Properties
Make sure to ask your local CertaPro Painters® franchise about this, as not all commercial services are offered at every location.
For commercial property owners and managers, protecting buildings against water penetration and resulting damage caused by moisture seeping through walls or roof surfaces, windows and door openings is an ongoing concern.
Obvious water stains along with mildew and mold growth frequently lead to expensive repairs, plus complaints of tenant discomfort. For block and stucco commercial buildings regular applications of waterproof coatings are trusted to effectively block water from penetrating exterior walls. Coupled with well-applied caulking around window and door frames, waterproof coatings provide excellent protection for commercial building exteriors.
However, inexperienced contractors often make mistakes when applying these coatings. Poor application may allow these protective coatings to let water penetrate but then become trapped within masonry, block or brick exteriors. Freezing issues and normal efflorescence as minerals leach from building materials can cause damage to both the coating and the building structure. The Concrete Network, who’s purpose is to educate contractors, builders, homeowners and designers about concrete techniques and applications recommends that applications of waterproof coatings be done only by experienced professionals certified by the coating manufacturer.

Competitive Pricing for Commercial Waterproofing Projects
Independently owned and operated CertaPro Painters© franchised businesses can help control costs while meeting desired waterproofing requirements for business or commercial customers. Business owners and property managers that have chosen CertaPro Painters© know the professional painting contractors bring great results with an efficient process.