Housing Market

A new house is under construction with the walls and the roof installed but only the frames and trusses, respectively.

Post-Pandemic Home Building Trends: More Bedrooms, Smaller Homes

U.S. homes are adding bedrooms while getting smaller, according to two seemingly contradictory articles published on the same day from different data sources earlier this month.

August 30, 2023 - Bloomberg

Wood-frame two-story rowhouses under construction.

The State of the U.S. Housing Market

The housing supply is starting to more closely match demand.

August 7, 2023 - The Washington Post

White house with For Sale and SOLD sign

U.S. Home Sales to Foreign Buyers Drop by Almost 10 Percent

International purchases of homes on the U.S. housing market slowed in the last year.

August 2, 2023 - National Association Of Realtors

Home For Sale Signs

The ‘Lock-In Effect’ Keeping Home Prices High

Housing prices dropped slightly last year, but first-time and middle-income buyers found little price relief due to the “lock-in effect” of the historically low interest rates in effect for more than a decade prior to 2022.

August 1, 2023 - Fortune

Arizona Streetscape

Institutional Investors Gaining a Larger Footprint in the Housing Market, Report Says

The locations with the fastest growing populations are seeing the most dramatic increase in investor-owned single-family housing rentals.

July 19, 2023 - Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University

Woman searchinig Airbnb app on phone

Airbnb Market in ‘Collapse,’ Analyst Says

Recent analysis shows Airbnb revenues in steep decline in some large U.S. markets. The consequences of such a decline could send shockwaves through the entire residential real estate market.

July 5, 2023 - Yahoo News

Sandbags in a flood with flooded buildings in background

U.S. Houses Facing Increased Flood Risk Overvalued by as Much as $237 Billion, Study Says

Housing markets are failing to price in climate risks in their assessment of housing values, according to a recent study published by Nature.

March 3, 2023 - Nature

Tenant Protections

What Is Rent Control?

Rent control, also known as rent stabilization, is a controversial policy tool used by the government to limit rent increases by landlords.

March 1, 2023 - James Brasuell

A button to start a car reads “2023 Start”

Planning Trends to Watch in 2023

The days and weeks since the arrival of Covid-19 have been filled with so much noise about the future, it’s been difficult to distinguish between big stories and frivolous distractions. Planetizen is here to help.

February 21, 2023 - James Brasuell

Green Monopoly houses on game board

Wave of Household Growth Likely Cresting, Relieving Crowded Housing Markets

A recent series of data on the growth of households in the United States reveals the unprecedented scale of housing demand in recent years.

January 22, 2023 - Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University

People biking across the Queensboro Bridge

U.S. Population Growing Again in 2022 After Flatlining in 2021

The U.S. Census released new population estimates last week, showing an increase in population growth just a year after national population growth crawled to an unprecedented halt.

December 27, 2022 - James Brasuell

Gray houses under construction

U.S. Housing Least Affordable in History

American households are spending more of their income on housing than at any other point in recorded history.

December 7, 2022 - The Real Deal

Cash Buyout

Wall Street Suddenly Buying Fewer Single-Family Homes

Rising interest rates are having a major effect in the housing market—including on the large institutional investors who spent much of the past couple of years buying up single-family homes.

November 27, 2022 - Wall Street Journal

White house with For Sale and SOLD sign

Home Prices, Demand on Downward Trajectory

The once-overheated housing market continues to cool as rising interest rates reduce demand.

October 26, 2022 - Bloomberg

The Interstate 10 freeway cuts through residential neighborhoods in the city of Alhambra. Downtown Los Angeles is visible in the background,

The Consequences of Sprawl: Overcrowded Housing and Covid Deaths

Los Angeles is the nation's capital of both crowding and sprawl. A feature published by the Los Angeles Times provides the history of how the metropolis achieved this contradiction.

October 20, 2022 - Los Angeles Times

Brick apartment building with For Rent sign

Renting on the Rise, With Consequences for Neighborhoods

A higher share of Americans are renters than at any point in decades. Neighborhoods all over the country, especially in downtowns, have many more renters than they did in 2010.

October 14, 2022 - RentCafé

For sale sign with SOLD sign pasted over it in front of white suburban house

Seven Charts Highlight the Strangeness of the Housing Market

The unique conditions created during the last few years have upended the U.S. housing market and led to some unusual trends.

October 12, 2022 - Bloomberg News

ROw of historic New York City brownstone homes

Manhattan Home Sales Slow, Rent Growth Continues

The Manhattan housing market is seeing lower sale prices and a slowdown in demand, but rents in the city are still going up.

October 5, 2022 - Bloomberg

For sale sign with SOLD sign pasted over it in front of white suburban house

Remote Work a Key Factor in the Rise of Home Prices

The shift to work-from-home policies drove more than 60 percent of the dramatic recent growth in U.S. house prices, according to a Fed study.

September 28, 2022 - Bloomberg

Suburban Homes

Where Housing Costs Are Falling Fastest

Although median home prices remain close to record highs in many cities, some of the country’s priciest metro areas are seeing home prices plummet.

September 23, 2022 - Bloomberg

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