Downtown Specific Plan
City of Watsonville
Friday May 11, 2018
Location: Watsonville, CA
WebsiteRequest for Proposals
The Community Development Department is requesting proposals from urban design and planning consulting firms interested in providing consulting services for the preparation of the Downtown Specific Plan. The Specific Plan will require an amendment of the Watsonville 2005 General Plan to allow the envisioned intensification of Downtown Watsonville, and the RFP also includes the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for both the Downtown Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment.
Objectives for the Specific Plan include the development of multi-story mixed use buildings through both new construction and adaptive reuse of historic buildings with market rate residential housing and commercial retail on the first floor. The Plan will encourage compact development near transit to decrease automobile dependency, reduce both local and regional traffic congestion and related greenhouse gas emissions, and provide additional guidance and plans to increasing multimodal access to and from the historic Downtown area.
For more information, please visit the City's website or contact Justin Meek, AICP, Principal Planner at (831) 768-3077 or [email protected].
Posted April 11, 2018
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