No-Cost Technical Assistance for Creating Sustainable Neighborhoods- Apply Now!
Global Green USA
Within cities, the neighborhood is emerging as the preferred typology and scale of engagement for developing and implementing retrofit and revitalization proposals. As a spatial and social unit, neighborhoods offer the potential for environmental resources to be shared, economies to be localized and sustainable behavior to become embedded into social norms. Through a 3-day intensive visit and consultation, the Global Green team will evaluate how the sustainability of a specific neighborhood can be enhanced through an upcoming catalytic project by applying the technical standards of LEED-ND to the existing neighborhood and upcoming project. Prior to the visit the team will conduct an extensive review of existing plans, the neighborhood form, and the existing pattern of development. During the site assessment the team will identify the existing positive qualities of the neighborhood, consult with community stakeholders in meetings and a public workshop, and identify major opportunities to improve neighborhood sustainability. At the conclusion of the visit the team will present recommendations for both physical and policy changes that may include street width reductions, ecological restoration, integrated energy and water infrastructure, creating standards for in-fill and transit-oriented development, or zoning code revisions to allow for urban agriculture or mixed-use development. This free assistance is being provided under a grant to Global Green from the US EPA's Office of Sustainable Communities Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities Program.
Eligible applicants for the no-cost Technical Assistance include Cities, Municipal Entities, and Tribal Governments. Approximately eight communities will be selected for assistance in 2013. The Global Green team plans to select communities in a variety of regions, community sizes and types, and with a diverse set of populations.
Application Deadline:
All applications must be submitted online through the Global Green web portal
The deadline for applications is November 2, 2012 at 6:00 PM PST. Applications received after this deadline will not be reviewed.
A guide for how LEED-ND can be used by local governments is available on the USGBC site.
LEED-ND is available as a free download from the USGBC site.
Good Luck!
Posted October 9, 2012
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