Non-Conforming Uses

Apartment buildings under construction with crane.

A Menu of Proposed Housing Policy Reforms

The Mercatus Center published a list of 16 policy recommendations designed to help states clear local obstacles for housing construction.

September 7, 2022 - Mercatus Center

Side-by-side brick duplexes pictured on a sunny day.

What Is a Non-Conforming Use?

A non-conforming use is an existing building that would not be built under current land use regulations. While esoteric, the term is nonetheless critical to understanding the changes in development regulations over time.

July 13, 2022 - James Brasuell

Missing Middle Housing

What Is Missing Middle Housing?

One of the newest terms in the world of urban planning, Missing Middle Housing has generated a lot of attention in recent years as cities around the United States look for ways to create more housing options in a vast sea of single-family homes.

June 26, 2020 - James Brasuell

Minnesota Non-Conforming Uses

Another Benefit of Zoning Reform: More Flexibility for Historic, Non-Conforming Uses

Non-conforming uses, usually historic buildings that predate the strictures of 20th century zoning codes, can get a little more comfortable under the reforms approved by the Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan.

July 10, 2019 - MinnPost

Wilshire Grand

Measure S Is Just Bad Policy

Measure S gives city leaders a moderately satisfying smack across the face. As satisfying as that may be, Measure S is remarkably bad planning and development policy at the expense of the vast majority of Angelinos.

February 21, 2017 - Reuben Duarte

'Nonconforming Urbanism' the New Face of Density

Architect Teddy Cruz examines the south-north flow of "nonconforming urbanism" in the Tijuana-San Diego region, and how changing communities in this dynamic area could shape the way we think about increasing density.

February 4, 2009 - The Nation

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