The Institute of Landscape Architecture, Professor Girot at ETH Zurich, launches the Postgraduate Study Program.

The Institute of Landscape Architecture, Professor Girot at ETH Zurich, launches the Postgraduate Study Program.

Institute of Landscape Architecture, Chair of Professor Girot, ETH Zurich Switzerland

Through intensive work with these techniques, students will be able to achieve complex design tasks and develop new forms of landscape design. They will be able to handle current issues more efficiently and in a more experimental manner. The chosen CAD programs (i.e. Rhino) are particularly appropriate for the visualization of both detailed and large-scale landscape designs and offer the possibility for export to computer-steered milling machines capable of producing 3D physical models. In addition, competences will be enhanced in the area of 3D GIS, as well as the use of photography as a design tool and video as a tool for illustration and design.

The course of studies is intended to be completed as a part-time program over two semesters and is divided into 7 themed modules and 1 concluding synthesis module. The modular structure allows students to concentrate on individual themes, which can be combined within the framework of an individual project as the concluding synthesis module.

 Registration materials, including portfolio and reference letters, can be submitted till April 31st, 2012. The program starts at the end of September. The number of participants is limited to 16. Program cost: 18,000 CHF.

 The program is geared towards university graduates in the areas of architecture and landscape architecture who have professional experience and are already familiar with various visualization and modeling techniques.

Applications are available online at:

FOR MORE INFORMATION ETH Zurich, Prof. Christophe Girot, Institute of Landscape Architecture EMAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +41 44 633 29 87

Posted March 29, 2012

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