Sunset Park Brownfield Opportunity Area RFP for Planning, Design and Economic Analysis Services

Sunset Park Brownfield Opportunity Area RFP for Planning, Design and Economic Analysis Services


The Sunset Park Waterfront Brownfield Opportunity Area Step 2 Nomination Study is being led by UPROSE, a non-profit organization committed to increasing open space and areas of outdoor recreation, decreasing pollution and environmental hazards in the community and facilitating community-inclusive practices and policies in environmental decision-making in Sunset Park. UPROSE is soliciting proposals from qualified firms to assist in developing a comprehensive strategy for achieving community redevelopment goals along Sunset Park's industrial waterfront. UPROSE seeks a consultant team that will assess the conditions in the study area within a local, regional and national context. The consultant team will be required to work with multiple constituencies to perform an in-depth analysis of existing conditions, opportunities, and reuse potential of strategic sites that can serve as catalysts for revitalization. UPROSE encourage responses that emphasize innovative planning practice and demonstrate an understanding of complex urban industrial and mixed‐use areas.

The submission deadline is August 8th, 2011. UPROSE will hold a pre-bid conference call on July 25, 2011, from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm to further describe BOA study area, goals, and address any questions. After reviewing the proposals, a short list of teams will be invited for a discussion-based interview.

Please go to the following link for full RFP:…

Posted July 13, 2011

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