lot size

Wood-frame two-story housing under construction

Opinion: Failed Housing Bills Could Signal California-Style Housing Crisis in Texas

Legislators in a state that so often touts its policies as the opposite of California’s defeated several bills that would have made housing construction easier, leading to concerns that a constricted housing market may exacerbate the housing crisis.

June 8, 2023 - The Dallas Morning News

Single-Family Housing Construction

Watch: The Laws and Policies Driving Up the Cost of Housing

A Vox explainer video tackles the rising cost of housing in the United States.

August 31, 2021 - Vox via YouTube

Houston, Texas

How Houston Achieved Lot Size Reform

Nolan Gray of George Mason University and Adam A. Millsap of the Charles Koch Institute write about a recent article they authored in the Journal of Planning Education and Research.

July 22, 2020 - JPER

Back Yard

Yards Slim Down as House Size Grows

As the footprints of the average suburban home grows and lot sizes shrink, the traditional sprawling yard is getting squeezed out.

October 19, 2017 - Trulia

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