Request for Proposals: Technical Assistance Programs for Sustainable Communities
US EPA Office of Sustainable Communities
An increasing number of communities across the U.S. are turning their attention to smart growth and sustainable communities approaches to development to revitalize their economies, create jobs, protect clean air and water, and improve residents' quality of life. However, communities often run into common barriers when implementing these approaches, such as outdated zoning codes and other local regulations, lack of consensus around where and how to grow, and misconceptions about sustainable communities development approaches.
EPA's Office of Sustainable Communities is seeking proposals to create and deliver technical assistance programs to local and tribal governments facing common land use and development challenges. The Request for Proposals (RFP) seeks to fund up to three organizations that will provide technical assistance to multiple communities on the use of standardized, "ready to go" tools that can lead to changes in local policies and development regulations. EPA anticipates awarding up to $500,000 through one to three cooperative agreements in the current funding cycle. Applications are due March 31, 2011, by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
For information on eligibility and how to apply, see the full RFP at:
For questions about this RFP, please contact Kevin Nelson (202-566-2835, [email protected]).
Posted February 24, 2011
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