Call for Papers: Reducing Urban Poverty
International Housing Coalition
Papers should be linked to one of the following topical areas:
Land Markets & Security of Tenure
The absence of efficient land and housing markets and lack of secure tenure for both renters and home
owners are important impediments to urban and economic development in developing countries. Papers
on these topics should explore strategies and approaches that would enable property markets to function
better and would provide increased security of tenure and strengthened real property ownership rights.
Papers might examine such topics as: legal and regulatory policies and frameworks that facilitate the
functioning and efficiency of real estate markets; tenure security for tenants and homeowners; property
ownership in slums and informal settlements; the availability of land to house lower income households;
titling and registration systems; the availability of public information about property values and market
data; gender aspects of tenure security and property rights.
The World Health Organization recognizes the rapid increase of people living in cities as one of the most
important global health issues of the 21st century. This issue is particularly important in Sub-Sahara
African, Asian, and Latin American cities struggling with persistently high disease rates and rapidly
urbanizing populations. Solutions lie in both improving health services and improving the living
environment of poor urban residents, especially their access to safe water and sanitation services. We
welcome papers analyzing approaches to identifying and addressing urban health challenges in
developing countries.
The urban poor exhibit extraordinary innovation and resiliency in the face of extreme challenges and
marginalization. Papers on this sub-topic should explore the ways that the urban poor work themselves
out of poverty by adapting to the economic, political, social, and various other constraints that they face.
Papers might discuss: informal economy; enabling environment and regulatory policies; access to credit,
microenterprise development, and income generation.
Papers should be policy-based and solutions-oriented and should critically examine existing projects
and/or propose new strategies for tackling issues related to urban poverty. Papers from a variety of
disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary perspectives are appropriate, including (but not limited to) urban
planning, economics, political science, geography, public policy, sociology, public health, and
anthropology. For more information, please contact Nancy Leahy ([email protected]).
For more information on last year's competition, please visit:…
Process and Timeline
♦ Eligibility: This call for papers is directed at PhD students and advanced Masters students. To be
eligible, applicants should be currently enrolled in a degree or post-doctoral program.
♦ Abstract Submissions:
o Abstracts (max 500 words) and a brief CV should be submitted to the selection committee by February
20, 2011. Submissions can be sent to [email protected]. For news and updates please visit
o Abstracts should contain a title, paper description, author name and affiliation, and specify which of the
topical areas listed above the paper will most directly address.
♦ Request for Full Papers:
o A panel composed of members of the sponsor organizations will review submitted abstracts and
request full papers from approximately 15 authors.
o Applicants will be notified the first week of March whether they will be asked to write a full paper, which
will be due by June 15, 2011.
o Completed papers should be a maximum of 20 pages in length including appendixes (double-spaced,
Times New Roman 12pt font) and utilize the style, spelling, usage, citation and illustration guidelines used
by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (
♦ Publication:
o Approximately 10 of the full papers will be selected for inclusion in a final compilation to be published
by the Woodrow Wilson Center.
o Publication of each selected paper is subject to review and will be contingent upon completion of
suggested revisions by the authors, should they be requested by the selection committee.
♦ Policy Workshop:
o 3-5 of the authors selected for publication will also be invited to Washington, DC, in mid-October to take
part in a unique "policy workshop" that will bring together a small group of academics, policy makers and
students for an interactive discussion of international urban development topics. The session will focus on
bridging gaps between policy and academia, theory and practice.
o At the conference, students will be paired with a senior development expert who will serve as a
discussant for their paper.
o Workshop invitees will be provided with a $1000 honorarium to help cover transportation and
accommodation costs.
Posted January 27, 2011
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