Request for Qualifications City of Fargo
City of Fargo, North Dakota
The City of Fargo is requesting qualification submittals for professional consulting services related to Comprehensive Planning to include an emphasis on an Energy Conservation Strategy. Any consultant interested in submitting a proposal may review the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) package by visiting
or by contacting:
Jim Hinderaker
City of Fargo - Department of Planning and Development
200 3rd Street North
Fargo, ND 58102
Phone 701-241-1473
Email: [email protected]
Please review the RFQ instructions carefully and use only the format outlined in the package when preparing your response. 8 copies of the completed proposal must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 28, 2010.
Funding for this rewrite is primarily coming from a $250,000.00 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG), and therefore, the plan must also include an Energy Strategy Plan. To that end, the city is seeking firms that will challenge outdated assumptions and marketing perceptions to reduce the demand for energy consumption and to maximize the effectiveness of energy consumed. Qualities that will receive consideration include the breadth of related project experience with similar communities; the inclusion of references for such projects; experience, expertise, and accessibility of the proposed Project Manager and other key personnel; the demonstrated ability to work with the public, community members, and governmental bodies; understanding of applicable laws or regulations that relate to the project; and the ability to manage a project of this scale, including realizing timetables and quality control objectives.
Posted September 1, 2010
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