TRPA Seeks Consultation Services for Code Update
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
TRPA is seeking proposals from qualified professionals to assist staff in the first stage of updating its Code of Ordinances. TRPA staff has identified and targeted a set of Code provisions that require immediate attention. The primary project tasks for this stage of the process are as follows:
• Review and edit targeted sections of the existing Code for consistency, conciseness, readability, and clarity.
• Organize related provisions in disparate sections by cross-referencing or grouping.
• Provide editorial, legal, and organizational review of draft Code language.
• Conduct staff interviews to identify additional areas where Code language could be improved and work with TRPA staff to generate solutions.
• Properly record, track, and justify changes to ensure the integrity of the process.
The successful consultant will have the following skills and experience:
• Ability to redraft existing Code language to make it consistent, concise, readable, unequivocal, and clear
• Ability to organize related provisions in disparate sections so that they will either be cross-referenced properly or grouped together
• Ability to present work and defend changes to staff and at public meetings
• Ability to communicate with Agency staff to collaboratively solve problems, generate solutions, and fully understand issues
• Availability, on a regular basis, to finish work at an accelerated pace
• Must be detail-oriented and able to track all proposed changes in an understandable and systematic manner
• Must have experience in technical writing, particularly in the fields of land use law, planning, and regulatory document preparation
• Must be creative and able to synthesize complex ideas into simple phrases without losing the meaning
The full RFP can be found on the TRPA website at:…
TRPA's Consultant Services Agreement can be found at:…
Posted March 3, 2010
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