Request for Proposals - Model Regulations for Coastal and Riverine Development in Louisiana
Center for Planning Excellence
It is CPEX's objective to provide land development regulations for areas that have limited local planning and administrative capacity, and that are at risk of natural hazards such as erosion, subsidence, sea level rise, and hurricanes. These regulations must ensure that new development patterns reduce risks for all Louisiana coastal communities, and that regulations incorporate a variety of tools that are specific to both the delta system and cheniers.
About CPEX:
The Center for Planning Excellence (CPEX) is a non-profit organization that coordinates urban, rural and regional planning efforts in Louisiana. We provide best-practice planning models, innovative policy ideas, and technical assistance to individual communities that wish to create and enact master plans dealing with transportation and infrastructure needs, equitable housing opportunities, environmental issues, and quality design for the built environment. CPEX brings community members and leaders together and provides guidance as they work toward a shared vision for future growth and development.
For more information:
The complete RFP is available at
Posted January 20, 2010
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