Student Writing Competition - Deadline Extended!
APA Urban Design and Preservation Division
Student Writing Competition
Entrants may choose from one of the following questions or pose their own question that they think the review committee will find engaging:
* How can planners and urban designers best articulate a definition of urban design in light of other current movements in the built environment? With terms like green building, sustainable building, and new urbanism floating around the field of planning and architecture, how can urban design fit in and how might we best explain the role of urban design in light of today's movements.
* What can planners learn from urban designers and what can urban designers learn from planners? How do the two professions complement each other and where are areas of conflict or mis-communication? How can urban designers and planners work more collaboratively?
* How can non-planners visualize the urbanization of the suburbs through urban design? How does urban design help with visualization and how and when can it back fire? What are some key elements that can keep density and urbanization on track?
* What are some of the historic preservation challenges in a recession? What are some techniques that preservationists can use to leverage projects and plans?
Articles must be written by current undergraduate or graduate students who are members of the Division or become members at the time of submission. Articles should not exceed 1,500 words. Submit your article by December 15, 2009 to:
Executive Committee
APA Urban Design and Preservation Division
c/o John Maximuk, Immediate Past Chair
The winning article will be published in the Division Newsletter in time for the National Conference.
Posted November 19, 2009
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