RFP--Transit Implementation Plan Update
City of Manhattan
In April 2000, the City of Manhattan adopted its first long-range transportation plan, Manhattan Area Transportation Strategy: Connecting to 2020 (MATS). MATS included a preliminary determination of the feasibility of citywide transit service and the identification of potential service plans. In 2001, a Transit Implementation Plan was prepared to determine the level of financial and political support existing in the community for implementing citywide transit. Because the City did not achieve Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) status following the 2000 Census, the City did not pursue the recommendations in the Implementation Plan.
Since 2001, unprecedented growth has occurred in the Manhattan region due to changes at Fort Riley and Kansas State University. This growth has continued to stress the community's transportation systems and the citizens who need access to jobs, school, and community resources. At the same time, studies at Kansas State University show that parking deficiencies will become much more severe as campus development continues. While a large campus parking structure is near completion on campus, long term options to mitigate parking problems include transit as the preferred strategy.
In 2007 the Region completed the Flint Hills Regional Growth Plan, which enabled local communities and service providers to coordinate the steps necessary to absorb significant population and economic growth. The Plan assessed current conditions, identified short and long term priorities and established action steps for regional stakeholders. Recommendations confirmed the need to provide transit opportunities in the region and suggested an analysis of Fort Riley commuter patterns was needed.
In November of 2008, the region was designated as a new Metropolitan Statistical Areas with the metro area including the principal city of Manhattan and the Counties of Geary, Pottawatomie, and Riley, with a combined population over 118,000. It is expected that the 2010 Census will ultimately bring designation as an MPO. The tri-county region has received a grant from the Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA) to hire a growth coordinator and develop a structure for creating a Regional Planning Organization.
The City has been notified that the Kansas Collaborative has established a Regional Transit Breakthrough Team to organize the Regional Transit Approach based on the draft recommendations of the T-LINK Taskforce.
The City of Manhattan is partnering with the Kansas Department of Transportation to update the 2001 Transit Implementation Plan to review the feasibility for transit service. The purpose of this planning effort is to review the feasibility of citywide transit and to determine the best approach for developing, financing, and managing the service. In addition, the study must involve an analysis of regional transit providers and options to move people to major employers and service centers within the region. Basic steps for the project include updating the 2001 Plan as follows:
• Determine the market conditions for transit.
• Review preliminary service concepts including fixed route demand response, deviated fixed route and other options.
• Determine the size and shape of transit.
• Develop a street ready plan.
The process will be developed with the following partners: Riley County, Kansas State University, Fort Riley, Manhattan-Ogden Unified School District 383, the Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce, The Riley County Area Transportation Agency (aTa) and other transit providers in the region, local social service agencies and other regional entities. A Steering Committee, comprised from the listed partners will guide the process to develop option for the Transit Plan Update.
The Study Area will focus on Manhattan and Riley County, however transit opportunities in Geary and Pottawatomie Counties must also be considered.
The purpose of the update is to review the feasibility of a transit system that can serve the City and possibly the region. Issues which should be considered in the Plan update are as follows:
• Changes in growth areas for the City of Manhattan since completion of the 2001 Plan.
• Impacts of riders from Fort Riley, Pottawatomie County, Riley County and Geary County on a Manhattan fixed route system.
• Review initial Transit Implementation Plan operations/management recommendations and determine if other operating authorities exist besides the City of Manhattan.
• Identification of short term options to operating a fixed route system, as well as current efforts to provide transit which will fill the gap until the region can access federal transit funds. Such a system should be able to transition into a larger transit system.
• Determine costs for updated system and identify funding options, including public and private resources.
• Public Participation - Development of process for involvement of the public in the update.
The project schedule is as follows:
June, 2009 Advertise Request for Proposals
July, 2009 Deadline to receive proposals from consultants
Mid-August, 2009 Tentative Interview Dates
September, 2009 Manhattan City Commission considers recommendation from Selection Committee
September, 2009 Contract negotiations
8-10 months Completion of study
The successful consultant must provide a team with the demonstrated qualifications, experience and expertise to complete the Transit Plan Update, as well as demonstrate a capacity to manage the project. The consultant must demonstrate an interest in and convey an understanding of the requirements for the project, provide references for similar projects, demonstrate positive public participation skills, show an ability to work within the time schedule, and provide the deliverables noted in the proposed work program.
The ability to communicate, develop and maintain an effective working relationship with the Steering Committee; stakeholders; the media and the general public is critical to the success of the project. Consultants should demonstrate their qualifications, expertise and experience to successfully undertake this project, and demonstrate the ability to dedicate the necessary level of senior staffing and firm resources.
All firms submitting a proposal should be prepared to participate in an interview. Manhattan City Administration will evaluate proposals received and make recommendations on a "short list" for interview purposes.
Interviews will be conducted by a Selection Committee comprised of a subgroup of Steering Committee members, with time given for a formal presentation, followed by a question and answer period. The interview process will be coordinated by the City of Manhattan. Following the interviews and reference checks, the Selection Committee will forward a recommendation to the Manhattan City Commission.
The City of Manhattan will enter into a contract with the selected consulting firm; however KDOT will be consulted prior to final approval of the contract. In order to provide maximum flexibility, the City of Manhattan will require a time and expense agreement, with an established maximum fee.
All submissions must include the following information
1. Consultant:
a. Name of Project Director and other principal and senior staff.
2. Qualifications:
a. Resumes of all principals and professional staff involved, demonstrating qualifications and related experience and expertise.
b. Descriptions of similar projects completed by the firm.
3. Technical Proposal:
a. Description of Consulting Team's approach to the project including:
i. Strategy for updating the Transit Implementation Plan.
ii. Public Participation Plan, including number and nature of meetings.
4. References:
a. List of references, including brief description of projects and contact name and telephone number.
Interested consulting firms must submit seven (7) copies of the written proposal by 5:00 P.M. on July 31, 2009, to the following address:
Karen Davis, AICP
Director of Community Development
City of Manhattan
1101 Poyntz Avenue
Manhattan, KS 66502
Questions concerning this project should be addressed to Karen Davis, AICP, Director of Community Development ([email protected]), or by phone (785) 587-2425.
All persons awarded and/or entering into contracts with the City of Manhattan shall be subject to and required to comply with all applicable City, State and Federal provisions pertaining to non-discrimination, Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action.
Posted June 29, 2009
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