California Community Foundation releases RFP for Economic Development Feasibility Study
California Community Foundation
The California Community Foundation has a long-standing commitment to improve the quality of life for residents in Los Angeles County. In July 2007, the foundation launched the Community Building Initiative (CBI) in the City of El Monte as part of its neighborhood revitalization strategy. The CBI is a 10-year effort that seeks to create a stable, vital and livable community by:
- Improving the physical environment, with a focus on expanding housing options, community facilities and public amenities;
- Enhancing resident access to social, educational and cultural services; and
- Increasing community engagement and problem-solving capacity through resident organizing, training and leadership development.
Key to the development of stable, livable neighborhoods is a healthy economy that supports existing businesses, incubates new business ventures, provides quality jobs and adapts to changing market conditions. As part of the CBI, eight community planning workshops were held in three neighborhoods to identify key needs related to El Monte's physical environment, social services infrastructure and opportunities for civic engagement. More than 450 residents participated in these workshops, which were held in the spring of 2008. Resident feedback on these issues was synthesized into project outcomes and strategies. The CBI Advisory Committee (made up of residents, school and city officials, leaders from the nonprofit, business and civic sectors, and foundation representatives) prioritized the issues. Among the top priorities identified by community stakeholders was the need to increase the availability of sustainable employment opportunities for local residents. To achieve this end, employment pathways must be created that will simultaneously improve the economic prospects of local residents as well as address the needs of area employers.
Funding Priorities:
The specific areas of focus for this Request for Proposals (RFP) are the Northwest Industrial District and Flair Business Park, which represent potential areas for site development. However, respondents should also evaluate the possible connectivity between these two parcels and other development sites located inside or outside the redevelopment project areas (see ).
Applicants must be tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations or designate a nonprofit entity as a fiscal agent, since the award will be in the form of grant funds, rather than a
Application Procedures:
Hard copy applications and supplemental materials must be received by the Foundation by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, July 1, 2009. Announcement of the award will be made by mid-October 2009. The study must be completed by March 1, 2010.
- Guidelines:…
- Application:…
For questions about the application content and procedures, please contact Linda Wong at (213) 413-4130 or [email protected].
Posted June 8, 2009
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