Rail~Volution: Call for Proposals Entry Deadline: April 1, 2009
The deadline is approaching fast! Don't miss your chance to be part of the discussion. Send us your ideas by April 1!
Rail~Volution is a conference for passionate practitioners - people from all perspectives who believe in the role of land use and transit as equal partners in the quest for greater livability and greater communities. The success of the conference depends on the quality and diversity of presentations. Rail~Volution solicits your story-sharing expertise, experience, success and challenges.
2009 Conference Theme:
This country is being reshaped by the economic crisis, suburban foreclosures, volatile gas prices, and concern about the carbon footprint of development-creating enormous momentum for change. The new administration is committed to change, and Congress is deliberating the bill that sets transportation policy and funding for the next six years. Livable communities near transit are more economically and environmentally sustainable and we need more of them now. Let's rise to the challenge. The window of opportunity is opening wide.
Help us enliven the discussion! Give us your ideas now!
Related Link: http://www.railvolution.com/CallForProposals_2009.asp
For more information contact:
Mary Simon
1120 SW 5th Avenue Suite 800
Oregon 97204
Phone: 503-823-6870
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.railvolution.com
Posted March 23, 2009
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