City of New Orleans, LA Lafitte Greenway Corridor Revitalization Plan and Greenway/Trail Design

City of New Orleans, LA Lafitte Greenway Corridor Revitalization Plan and Greenway/Trail Design

City of New Orleans Office of Recovery & Development Administration

Proposals are due no later than 4:30 PM (CST) on January 22, 2009. Applicants shall submit the following to the Office of Recovery and Development Administration, Attention: Krista Neilson, Senior Planner, 1340 Poydras Street, Suite 919, New Orleans, LA 70112, Ph: 504) 658-8420, Email: [email protected]:

a) Signed proposals in Microsoft Word format or as a PDF file, marked "Lafitte Greenway Professional Services;"

b) Ten (10) hard copies of the proposal enclosed in a sealed envelope marked "Lafitte Greenway Professional Services;" and

c) Any questions regarding this RFP.

Proposals should clearly demonstrate the applicant's qualifications to perform the needed services and attend all factors applicable in a professional relationship. Proposals should include detailed resumes or curricula vitae for the principals performing the services. The City will reasonably attempt to answer questions submitted in advance. Copies of the solicitation and related information are available from the City's purchasing website at

Posted December 23, 2008

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