RFP: Best Practice Manual for Coastal Development in Louisiana

RFP: Best Practice Manual for Coastal Development in Louisiana

Center for Planning Excellence

402 N. Fourth Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
T 225.267.6300
F 225.267.6306

Best Practice Manual for Coastal Development in Louisiana
The Center for Planning Excellence (CPEX) is soliciting proposal submissions from professional engineering and planning consultants to create a Best Practice Manual for Coastal Development in Louisiana. After the hurricanes of 2005, the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) created a Master Plan, titled Integrated Ecosystem Restoration and Hurricane Protection: Louisiana's Comprehensive Master Plan for a Sustainable Coast. In support of the goals outlined in the Master Plan, CPEX is assisting in the development of coast-wide model land development regulations that promote sustainable growth patterns. In order to draft the model land development regulations, it is necessary to understand the existing coastal conditions and best practices from other communities that live in coastal areas.

The challenges of the coast extend to both new development and incremental redevelopment of the coastal area, where such development may be at higher risk to flooding than development in other portions of the state. Louisiana has also focused on the need for conservation and preservation of the environment along the coast. Issues include sea level rise, hurricanes, flooding, coastal erosion, wetland loss, and subsidence.

Louisiana needs to accommodate the jobs and industry in coastal Louisiana, many of which have long been associated with and dependent on the coastal environment. This includes oil and gas, shipbuilding, seafood, shipping and distribution, and other industrial opportunities. Louisiana needs to accommodate coastal living, both in traditional patterns and in newer patterns of residential living, and at all income levels – from affordable/workforce housing to second homes. Louisiana's coastal waters have long provided a recreational resource to the state. Traditional patterns such as "camps" are part of the existing and future landscape and new development trends may include new patterns, such as full-service resort communities.
CPEX has sponsored the preparation of a "Land Use Toolkit", a series of model regulations to be promoted across the state for use in communities both large and small. This Toolkit" is intended to serve as a first resource for communities that are intent on improving their approach to a variety of challenges created by human settlement. During early stakeholder discussions throughout the state, the need for improved tools in the coastal areas was expressed clearly and often.
The Toolkit, as currently envisioned, will include natural hazard mitigation and natural resource protection standards. These ordinances will be based on the best existing models available. However, many have suggested that Louisiana might need further specialized tools for the unique coastal environment to do better. There is a necessary interface between planning and engineering, between desired development patterns and data that must be explored to adequately help communities in the coastal areas. The simple planning answer – "don't build there!" – is inadequate to serve the needs in Louisiana. Many coastal communities are already at risk, and we must re-examine where we have already built, and ensure that future construction reduces risk.
A more sophisticated approach, combining the best practices available from the planning and urban design profession along with those of coastal engineers and scientists is needed. Exploration of the available best management practices for reducing the risk of flooding and other hazards in coastal environments is needed as quickly as possible. And this information must be developed at multiple levels – that of the individual building, the neighborhood, and the community.

The Best Practices Manual will answer the following questions:
1. What is happening in Louisiana with regard to coastal development planning, design and engineering? How does this compare to other places?
2. What are current applied best planning, design and engineering practices in similar coastal areas across the country or around the world, both those protected by levees and those without levee protection?
3. What are the best planning, design and engineering practices that support the sustainability of both existing communities and fragile ecosystems in the working Louisiana coast? How should those practices vary across the diversity of types of coastal areas?
4. What is the best way to communicate these concepts to Louisiana's coastal communities?
The selected consultant is expected to deliver a Best Practice Manual that answers the questions above. The Best Practice Manual should be user-friendly and will be posted on the CPEX website.
The selected consultant will be expected to perform at minimum the following:
1. Meet with identified key stakeholders to understand specific development issues facing many of Louisiana's coastal communities.
2. Review and compile existing coastal development best practice materials from Louisiana and around the world that includes both planning solutions and engineering solutions to identified problems in the Louisiana coastal area, including the threat of hurricanes, protection of critical natural resources during and following development, and sea level rise/subsidence.
3. Using the consultant's working knowledge and the existing best practice analysis, create a new best practice manual for sustainable coastal development specific to Louisiana. The manual must cover issues raised at the individual building, the neighborhood and community levels.
4. The best practice manual must effectively communicate concepts and solutions in such a way that they are understandable to the general public. The final document should achieve a superior level of graphic design as demonstrated by the Louisiana Speaks Pattern Book and Louisiana Speaks Toolkit (see http://www.louisianaspeaks.org/showdoc.html?id=2783).
5. It is important that the best practice manual recognize the unique culture, legal structure, and history present along the Louisiana coast.
The consultant will work closely with CPEX staff to ensure that project deliverables can be linked to the Land Use Toolkit (CPEX will be responsible for the actual development of any model regulatory language). One key assumption for this project is that the CPRA and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers master planning for levee protection will be implemented. The selected consultant will not be asked to review or revise any of these prior master planning efforts.
CPEX anticipates an approximate budget of $100,000 for this project. An initial draft of the best practice manual must be ready within 60 days after receiving a notice to proceed. A future phase of this project includes practical application of the proposed best practices in two coastal communities in Louisiana, and successful completion of the best practices manual may lead to additional work tasks.

Any consultant team submitting a proposal should be composed of experts from a multitude of disciplines. Consultants should demonstrate knowledge and experience in the following areas:
1. Effective stakeholder outreach.
2. Understanding of development issues facing Louisiana's coastal communities.
3. Urban design/planning solutions to building in coastal zones.
4. Engineering design solutions in coastal areas.
5. Culture and history along the Louisiana coastline.
6. Graphic design and content layout.

Respondents shall restrict all contact and questions regarding this RFP and selection process to the individual named herein. Questions concerning terms, conditions and technical specifications shall be directed in writing no later than December 30, 2008: Center for Planning Excellence, Attn: Camille Manning-Broome, Director of Planning, 402 North Fourth Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70802, or via email to [email protected].

Respondents and their agents are strictly prohibited from lobbying CPEX staff and CPEX board members at any time in the application and selection process. Failure to comply with this clause shall be grounds for rejection of their RFP.
Deadline for Proposal Submissions
Proposals must be received no later than January 14, 2009. Packages must be mailed or hand delivered to: Center for Planning Excellence, Attn: Camille Manning-Broome, 402 N. Fourth Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70802. CPEX will not accept any packages delivered by facsimile or electronic mail. Late packets will be returned to the respondent.

Expenses incurred by the respondents in replying to the RFP or in making any appearance before the CPEX representatives are the respondents' alone. There will be no compensation for these expenses provided by CPEX.
Submission Requirements
Applicants must submit three (3) bound paper copies and one (1) digital Adobe PDF copy on a compact disc of a thoughtful, clear and well-organized package that includes the following sections:

1- Statement of Interest: Provide a statement of interest for the project. The letter, written on the firm's letterhead, shall cite the individual who will be the primary point of contact for CPEX for matters relating to the proposal and shall be signed by an individual with the authority to commit the firm to the project. The letter shall include a narrative description of the strengths brought by each team component. The letter should also include full contact information (name, address, telephone, fax, email).
2- Team Experience and Expertise: Provide an organizational chart showing the roles of the lead firm and each sub consultant firm or individual. Describe the proposed project assignments and system/structure of authority and communication for members of the lead firm and sub-consultants. Provide qualifications and experience of the principals and key professional members of the consultant team that will be involved in the project. Highlight their experience with similar projects and specific issues relevant to this project. The consultant team should include a Louisiana-based component, preferably with coastal engineering experience.
3- Representative Projects: Provide a brief narrative for a maximum of five (5) projects performed by the lead firm and a maximum of three (3) projects for each sub-consultant that are most similar and relevant to this project, and have been completed within the last seven (7) years. Provide current contact information for all projects listed.
4- Work Scope and Timeline: Provide a detailed work scope and timeline that meets the proposed scope of services.
5- Budget: Include a detailed budget by task for the proposed work scope. Provide hourly billing rates for all members of the consultant team.
6-Work Samples: Include comparable work products for the lead firm and any sub consultants in digital form. Sample work products should be submitted in Adobe PDF format on a CD or DVD.

Proposal-Based Selection Process
Professional services are procured in accordance with Louisiana Law. CPEX reserves the right to reject any and all submissions, to waive any and all formalities outlined in the RFP and in the selection process and generally to make the award that, in its judgment, will best meet the objectives stated in this RFP. CPEX reserves the right to request additional information and/or clarifications from any or all respondents to assist in its evaluation process. CPEX reserves the right to request changes to consultant team composition.
All dates in the RFP are subject to change at the discretion of CPEX, and notice of any changes will be provided to all respondents.
Evaluation of Proposals
CPEX will evaluate submissions based on the consultant qualifications listed in Section III and the submittal requirements listed in Section IV of this document.

CPEX will short-list applicants who may then be invited to make a presentation in Baton Rouge. Firms will be notified whether they have been eliminated or short-listed. After the presentations, if any, CPEX will enter into contract negations with the preferred consultant.
The following dates are intended to provide a guideline for this process, and are subject to change.
RFP available December 5, 2008
Deadline for Proposals January 14, 2009
Notification of short list January 2009
Consultant interviews, if needed January 2009
Selection announced January 2009

Posted December 8, 2008

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