St. Charles Parish RFQ

St. Charles Parish RFQ

Center for Planning Excellence

Project Introduction
The selected Consultants will be asked to review the following documents:

St. Charles Comprehensive Land Use Plan (,
St. Charles Overall Planning Effort (SCOPE)
St. Charles Parish's Long Term Recovery Plan
(…); and,
Existing Zoning and Subdivision regulations (Appendix A and C, respectively)

These documents should not be seen as a restraint, but should be used as a reference point that will be refined, added to, improved upon and/or revamped through an inclusive and participatory planning process.

The Plan must reflect Smart Growth best practices ( and be consistent with the Louisiana Speaks Regional Vision ( The final chapter of the Comprehensive Plan should include a phased and prioritized Implementation Strategy. The parish anticipates a total project budget of $250,000-$300,000.

Selection Committee
A citizen-based Selection Committee will be established by the Parish Administration with input by the Parish Council. This 11-member selection committee will represent the demographic composition of the Parish and various stakeholder groups. The committee will review and discuss the content of the qualification submissions, short-list to three firms (which will be invited to submit a detailed Request for Proposal), and finally submit a recommendation to the Parish Council. This committee will dissolve upon the selection of a consultant team.

Support Committee
The Support Committee, will be appointed by the Parish, and will be representative of a cross-section of parish residents, key stakeholder and/or professional groups, parish staff members, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and St. Charles Parish Council members. The 20-25 member Committee will consist of individuals who are committed to the community and who can provide broad policy direction on the future physical development and quality of life for the Parish.

The mission of the Support Committee is to facilitate, provide recommendations and oversee the preparation of the Comprehensive Plan for the Parish. The Support Committee will be the sounding board and recommending body for the consultant team and Planning Department staff. By representing the broad interests of the community, the Support Committee will help to facilitate the formal review and adoption process.

The selected consultant team will interact with the Support Committee throughout the planning process. CPEX will assist the Parish in coordinating the representative Support Committee and facilitating the inclusive planning process.

Respondents shall restrict all contact and questions regarding this RFQ and selection process to the individual named herein. Questions concerning terms, conditions and technical specifications shall be directed in writing to: Center for Planning Excellence, Attn: Camille Manning-Broome, Director of Community Planning, 402 N. Fourth Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 OR via email at [email protected].

Respondents and their agents are strictly prohibited from lobbying members of St. Charles Parish Council, Planning and Zoning Commission, parish staff members, Selection Committee members, CPEX staff and CPEX board members at any time in the application and selection process. Failure to comply with this clause shall be grounds for rejection of their RFQ.

Project Area
St Charles Parish is located within the greater New Orleans Metropolitan Region, approximately 23 miles west of New Orleans and 80 miles southeast of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. St. Charles Parish has a reported population of 52,044 residents as of July 2007(estimated Census data). The population shifts after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita have created a substantial need for long- term economic development, transportation, and land use planning; although, the community had already identified challenges related to growth before the Hurricanes.

St Charles Parish has 14 recognized communities and is an entirely unincorporated jurisdiction. The parish is bisected by the Mississippi River, creating the East and West Banks connected by Interstate 310. Eleven major industrial complexes, (including a nuclear power plant and two major refineries) are located within the parish. The parish contains 4 major railroad and trunk lines (Canadian National Great Northern, Burlington Northern Santa Fe, Kansas City Southern and Union Pacific). Interstate 10 runs along the northern portion of the parish. Additionally, a portion of the Louis Armstrong International Airport extends into St Charles Parish.

In 2008, the newly elected Parish President created an Administration Goal: to establish predictable, compatible land uses through and comprehensive planning and zoning. The Parishs' changing economy and population are creating considerable growth challenges on existing infrastructure and have created a necessity for strategic planning related to land use, transportation, regional economics, housing and conservation.

The St. Charles coastal areas include Lakes Pontchartrain, Des Allemands, Salvador, Cataoutche and the Mississippi River. The coastal areas are split into the Barataria and Pontchartrain basins. This natural landscape requires special attention to environmental concerns, particularly with respect to open space and wetland preservation needs. St Charles Parish has a significant amount of developed property located in special flood hazard areas.

The parish is located within the South Central Regional Planning and Development District and within the New Orleans Metropolitan Planning Organization and is identified as a priority community in the Louisiana Speaks Regional Plan.

The parish recently completed a public works inventory of long-range projects to address infrastructure needs. Additionally, the parish retained the services of a professional consultant team to update their hazard mitigation plan. The parish has initiated a GIS program and is working toward finalizing data. It is anticipated that GIS data will be available to the selected consultant to utilize throughout the planning process.

Any consultant team submitting qualifications should be composed of experts from a multitude of disciplines, capable of integrating all elements of a comprehensive plan.

Parish Government
St. Charles Parish has a Home Rule Charter, Council-President form of government, which efficiently combines all functions for the entire parish. St. Charles has a Parish President, Parish Council and a planning commission. The parish council is comprised of seven council districts and two at-large council members.

Comprehensive Plan Requirements
The comprehensive planning process must be grounded in an open and transparent public process. The Comprehensive Plan is required to include, but is not limited to, the following elements:
1. Future land-use
2. Economic Development
3. Transportation and multi-modal options
4. Water supply, wastewater, solid waste
5. Levees, drainage and flood protection
6. Conservation and environmental resources
7. Recreation and open space
8. Housing
9. Public services and facilities
10.Capital improvement program
11.Health and human services
12.Financing matrix to implement recommendations

Each element must include policy and implementation recommendations.

Consultant Qualifications
Consultants should demonstrate knowledge and experience in the following areas:
1.Basic knowledge of St. Charles Parish, local and regional growth issues as well as familiarity with current plans for St. Charles
2.Comprehensive Plans that support Smart Growth/Quality Growth principles
3.Long-term visioning through public participation in preference surveys and design charrettes
4.Consensus building, particularly working with diverse interest groups
5.Experience in integrating land use, transportation, floodplains, levee placement, environmental conservation, affordable housing, economic development and implementation strategies
6.Demonstrated experience in the successful implementation of Comprehensive Plans in a parish wide and regional context
7.Development of long-term implementation systems with measurable benchmarks
8.Background in the creation and/or revision of subdivision regulations, landscaping, signage, land use and zoning ordinances

The final deliverables should include, but are not limited to:
1.A reproducible and digital Comprehensive Plan for St. Charles Parish with all elements
2.Recommended changes to the existing subdivision regulations and zoning code as a mechanism to implement the long-range goals of the Comprehensive Plan
3.An interactive website for the dual purpose of marketing the Comprehensive Plan and receiving input about the Plan
4.An Implementation matrix listing key policies and action items with potential state and federal funding streams
5.A strategic implementation strategy with measurable benchmarks
6.All maps shall be delivered in GIS format

Deadline for Proposal Submissions
Proposals must be received no later than 4 pm, December 5, 2008. Packages must be mailed or hand delivered to: Center for Planning Excellence, Attn: Camille Manning-Broome, 402 N. Fourth Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70802.

Submission Requirements
Applicants shall submit thirteen (13) identical copies of a thoughtful, clear and well-organized package that demonstrates the required Consultant Qualifications and includes the following items:
1.Statement of Interest: Provide a statement of interest for the project. The letter, written on the firm's letterhead, shall cite the individual who will be the primary point of contact for the Parish for matters relating to the proposal and shall be signed by an individual with the authority to commit the firm to the project. The letter shall include a narrative description of the strengths brought by each team component. The letter should also include full contact information (name, address, telephone, fax, email).
2.Experience and Expertise: Include qualifications and experience of only those team members who will be assigned to the project. Provide resumes giving the experience and expertise of the principals and key professional members of the consultant team that will be involved in the project. Highlight their experience with similar projects and specific planning issues relevant to this project. Highlight Louisiana-based team members or members with experience in Louisiana-based planning initiatives. Provide the number of years members have worked with the prime firm and/or other years of experience. The consultant team shall include a Louisiana-based firm component.
3.Project Team: Provide an organizational chart showing the roles of the prime firm and each consultant firm or individual. Describe the proposed project assignments and system/structure of authority and communication for principals and key professional members of the lead firm and sub-consultant(s). Indicate the estimated percent of time these individuals will be involved in the project.
4.Representative Projects: List a maximum of five (5) projects performed by the prime firm that are most similar and relevant to this project completed within the last seven (7) years. List the projects in priority order, beginning with the most related project. Include at least three projects that have been or are being implemented. Provide the following information for each project listed:
a.Summary of the proposed project start dates and end dates and the actual start and end dates, with reasons for extensions if any;
b.Summary of the proposed project budget and the actual project budget with reasons for increases if any; and
c.Current stage of implementation.
d.Enclosure of a comparable Comprehensive Plan created by the prime applicant firm(s) that has been implemented is encouraged, but not required. The sample Comprehensive Plan may be submitted on a compact disc.
5.References: Provide references for any three (3) of the projects listed in response to the Representative Projects section. At least one reference should be in the implementation stage or beyond. The references shall include:
a.Owner's name, owner's representative who served as the day-to-day liaison during planning, design, and construction of the project, and the owner representative's current telephone number.
6.Proposed Timeline: Include a timeline. Additionally, state the firm's and/or team's present workload.
7.Budget: Include a statement that the budget of $250,000-300,00 is sufficient for the level of work anticipated.

St. Charles Parish and CPEX will not accept any packets that are delivered by facsimile or electronic mail. Late packets will be returned to the respondent. The parish reserves the right to accept or reject proposals that do not contain all elements and information requested in this document.

Proposal-Based Selection Process
Professional services are procured in accordance with Louisiana Law. Selection of the most highly qualified respondent will be made on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications as determined by the Parish based upon the proposal submitted in response to this RFQ, any supplement requested by the Parish and any subsequent meetings with finalists. The Parish reserves the right to accept or deny specific team members and may require the prime firm to re-select team members based on the selection committee recommendation.

Evaluation of Proposals
The Parish Point-of-Contact and CPEX will organize the Selection Committee whose process will be facilitated by CPEX. The Selection Committee will short-list applicants who will then be invited to make a public presentation. Firms will be notified in December 2008 whether they have been eliminated or short-listed. If firms are short-listed, they will be asked to make presentations in January 2009 in Hahnville, Louisiana. After the presentations, the Selection Committee will make prioritized Consultant Team recommendations to the St. Charles Parish Council.

The following dates are intended to provide a guideline for this process, and are subject to change.
? RFQ available (November 6, 2008)
? A pre-response meeting will be held beginning at 11:30 a.m. CST, Tuesday, November 18, 2008, via conference call. The purpose of the meeting will be to respond to consultants' questions about the project and the procurement process. Meeting minutes will not be issued and meeting attendance is not required. To participate in the conference call, e-mail Camille Manning-Broome at [email protected] for details and phone number.
? Deadline for Qualifications (December 5, 2008)
? Notification of short list (top 3 teams) (December 2008)
? Deadline for RFP Submittal (if selected) (early January 2009)
? Consultant interviews (January 2009)
? Selection announced (February 2009)

Proposal Selection Process and Evaluation
The Selection Committee will evaluate submissions based on Consultant Qualifications and the required Submission Requirements numbered 1-7 in this document.

St. Charles Parish reserves the right to reject any and all submissions, to waive any and all formalities outlined in the RFQ and in the selection process and generally to make the award that, in its judgment, will best meet the objectives stated in this RFQ. The Parish reserves the right to request additional information and/or clarifications from any or all respondents to assist in its evaluation process. The Parish reserves the right to request changes to consultant team composition. All dates in the RFQ are subject to change at the discretion of CPEX and St. Charles Parish, and notice of any changes will be provided to all respondents.

Expenses incurred by the respondents in replying to the RFQ or in making any appearance before the Selection Committee are the respondents' alone. There will be no compensation for these expenses provided by either St. Charles Parish or CPEX.

Published: St Charles Parish Herald Guide November 6, 2008; November 13 2008; and, November 20, 2008

Posted November 3, 2008

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