Query on Intl. Urban Organizations for On-Line Resource Center
I am a social scientist working as a consultant to a French public institution, funded by the French government, that plans to develop an international electronic resources center for urban studies and policies. One of our first tasks is to identify the main international research centers, NGO's and international programs that are currently involved in (or might be involved in) facilitating productive exchanges of information and ideas, between those who formulate theories or models (such as researchers and academics) and policy makers (such as city planners and especially local elected officials). We are looking to identify centers in which experts, whatever their discipline, specialize in issues concerning city or local governance and local economic development (e.g. the role of information highways in local economies).
I would be very grateful to the Panetizen fellow members if you could take a few minutes to answer the follow questionnaire (or parts of it, depending on your expertise).
1) In your opinion, what are the five outstanding academic research centers in the US (and/or Europe) for urban studies and public policy?
2) In your opinion, what are the five most important public or private organizations that aide in the formulation of urban policies in the US (and/or Europe)? In this list, please include any national or international institutions, community-based organizations, NGO’s, activist non-profit organizations, think-tanks, lobbying organizations, etc. whose primary focus is urban issues and policies – in the general context of tranfers od knowledge?
3) What databases or electronic networks (which might include replicable experiences databanks, academic publications and studies, grey literature) do you use to collect and exchange information about urban studies and policies?
4) In the near future, a global electronic resource center might go online. By collecting, analyzing, and disseminating data, it would allow researchers and local policy makers to engage in a new kind of relationship. Would you be interested in using such a tool?
5) To your knowledge, does any project of this kind already exist?
Thank you very much for your time. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need further information.
For more information contact:
Gwen-Haël Denigot, PhD
13, rue Ambroise Paré
paris 75010
Phone: +33148788483
Fax: +33148788489
Email: [email protected]
Posted December 19, 2001
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