Philadelphia City Planning Commission Request for Proposal: Transit Strategies for Neighborhood Revitalization
Philadelphia City Planning Commission
The Philadelphia City Planning Commission (PCPC) is soliciting proposals from an invited list of consultants to assist in its Transit for a Transformed City Study (TTC).
The consultant will provide the following general services:
· Case Study Development
· Neighborhood-Level Transit Data Collection and Analyses
· Transit Service Standards Analyses and Planning
The study purpose involves consideration of best practices in comparable cities; facilitation of focus groups; and analysis of transit service performance. The Consultant's recommended strategies for selected routes and neighborhoods may be considered for eventual adoption in the transportation element of NTI neighborhood plans, which also would address walking, cycling, driving and other transportation access issues.
Goal 1: Identify standards of transit service and access in comparable neighborhoods where transit is used as a "tool" for revitalization and redevelopment.
Goal 2: Identify the existing standards of transit service and access for prototypical NTI neighborhoods and compare those to the practices in comparable neighborhoods.
Goal 3: Recommend strategies for narrowing the gap between existing and desirable transit service and access in 'prototypical' NTI neighborhoods.
For a pdf copy of the RFP, please visit the Philadelphia City Planning Commission website.
Related Link: Philadelphia City Planning Commission
For more information contact:
Katherine Shriver
Philadelphia City Planning Commission
1515 Arch Street, 13th Floor
PA 19103
Phone: 215-683-4629
Fax: 215-683-4630
Email: [email protected]
Posted November 21, 2001
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