Lewis University Requests Campus Planning "Best Practices" Success Stories
Lewis University
Lewis University is a private, Catholic University with a total enrollment of 4,500 students located in Romeoville, Illinois in the Chicago Metro area.
The University owns approximately 350 acres. The campus proper is on approximatley 150 acres. The campus is surrounded by primarily undeveloped farm land and Lewis University Airport which is owned by the Joliet, Illinois Port District. The Airport is an integral part of the Aviation curriculum at the University.
The University would like to find and communicate with other universities and colleges which have undertaken and completed successful campus planning projects over the last few years. We are particularly interested in what types of "Best Practices" can help make a planning process successful and to avoid re-inventing the wheel. We are also interested in ideas that relate to compatible and innovative uses of properties that surround a campus and how they might complement the Mission of the University.
For more information contact:
Robert Beezat
Lewis University
One University Parkway
Illinois 60446-2298
Phone: 815-836-5452
Fax: 815-838-5979
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.lewisu.edu
Posted October 18, 2001
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