Urban Insight Announces Board Of Advisors To Guide PLANetizen
Urban Insight
Los Angeles, Calif. -- Urban Insight, Inc., an Internet consulting firm specializing in technologies to benefit urban planning, has announced the formation of a board of advisors to guide the expansion of PLANetizen ( www.planetizen.com ), a web-based information exchange for the urban planning and development community.
PLANetizen was created for professional urban planners and developers as a one-stop source for urban planning and development headline news, editorial commentary, job opportunities and events. PLANetizen also publishes a free, twice-weekly email newsletter with the week's most popular planning stories and is available for delivery on handheld devices.
The board of advisors includes:
- Peter Gordon, Ph.D., is director of the Master of Real Estate Development Program at the University of Southern California's School of Policy, Planning, and Development, where he has taught since 1971.
- Jeff Lambert, AICP, is Director of Planning & Building Services for the City of Santa Clarita, California, one of the state's fastest-growing cities for the last five years. He serves as the president of the California Chapter of the American Planning Association.
- Thomas R. Larmore, Esq., is a partner in Harding, Larmore, Kutcher & Kozal, one of Southern California's leading real estate law firms. Mr. Larmore has practiced real estate finance law for over 30 years, representing domestic and foreign commercial banks, and major property owners and developers in real estate transactions and land use matters.
- William R. Davis, M.Pl., is Vice President for Special Projects for the California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED), the premier professional economic development membership organization. He provides leadership training and technical assistance throughout California. He was formerly the associate director for the University of Southern California's Center for Economic Development.
- Chun P. Wong is President and CEO of Asolva, Inc., an information technology consulting firm specializing in the application of technology in healthcare, finance, telecommunications and distribution.
The name PLANetizen (plan-NET'-a-zen) is derived from "plan", as in planning, and the word, Netizen, a citizen of the Internet. PLANetizen is supported in the public interest by Urban Insight, Inc.
Urban Insight, Inc. ( www.urbaninsight.com ) is a Los Angeles-based consulting firm founded in 1997 to provide Internet strategies and web development services to the urban planning community. Urban Insight is a member of the technology incubator EC2 -- the Annenberg Incubator Project at the University of Southern California (USC).
Related Link: Urban Insight
For more information contact:
Chris Steins
Urban Insight
421 North Vista Street
Los Angeles
CA 90036
Phone: 323-966-4540
Fax: 323-966-4544
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.urbaninsight.com/
Posted May 16, 2001
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