Transit agency leaders in Illinois, West Virginia, and New Mexico share their tips for better fixed-route scheduling
Thursday January 26, 2023
WebsiteEvery day, schedulers at transit agencies across the country must envision multiple transportation scenarios to build the most optimized network.
We asked three transportation experts to share how they use new technology to streamline this day-to-day task, while delivering the best results for their operators and their community. From generating multiple runcut options in mere minutes to ensuring GTFS compliance in one click, schedulers can use new tools to turn this complex, multilayered process into an intuitive workflow.
Featured speakers include:
- Delilah Garcia, Transit Operations Director, North Central Regional Transit District
- Shelly Perry, Operations Manager, Connect Transit
- David Bruffy, General Manager, Mountain Line
Hosted by Remix Scheduling Product Manager Ben Lykins, the walkthrough will showcase real-time views of how each agency leader uses new technology to make smarter service decisions by combining the art and the science of scheduling.
Register now, or watch on-demand after the live presentation:
Posted January 17, 2023
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