The Summer 2022 issue of Evidence Matters: Transforming Knowledge into Housing and Community Development Policy, which focuses on the relationship between climate and housing in the U.S., is now available. This issue examines the impact of housing on the environment and HUD’s role in climate mitigation and adaptation; the effect of land use regulations and zoning requirements on the environment; and local initiatives to increase resilience to natural disasters.
Key findings:
Using energy-efficient construction methods, adopting electrically powered appliances and heating and cooling systems, and locating housing near public transit can reduce the impact of housing on climate change.
HUD can promote energy efficiency and resilience in its housing portfolio and help localities build for resilience and climate adaptation.
Zoning ordinances and building codes impact the environment because they determine the location and type of residential development.
Climate mitigation and adaptation policies should consider social equity and environmental justice and be tailored to a community’s individual risks and resources.
Local efforts to install green infrastructure, address environmental inequities, and incorporate fire-resistant building materials can help communities increase resilience to climate change.
Posted October 6, 2022
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