Boise, Idaho: Our Path Home Brings the Housing First Model to Idaho
HUD User publishes a series of case studies based on federal, state, and local strategies that increase affordable housing opportunities and support sustainable community development. The projects and community development efforts featured in these reports have demonstrated innovation through a multitude of partnerships and initiatives.
In 2017, the city of Boise, Idaho, led a group of public-private partnerships in establishing Our Path Home, an organization with the aim of ending homelessness in Ada County through permanent supportive housing. Our Path Home worked with developers Northwest Integrity Housing Company, Pacific West Communities, and Thomas Development Co. to build New Path Community Housing, which opened in 2018. Using a Housing First approach, New Path is the state's first permanent supportive housing project that is open to people experiencing homelessness and does not require a commitment to sobriety. Financed largely through low-income housing tax credit equity, the 4-story apartment building contains 40 units, a community room, fitness center, outdoor recreational space, and a computer room. The development provides 24-hour care from staff who provide case management, physical and mental health care, substance abuse counseling, life skills training, and peer support groups for residents dealing with mental illness, addiction, and trauma.
Visit HUD User's Case Studies page to learn more about affordable housing and to view other examples of permanent supportive housing developments around the nation.
Stay updated on the latest case studies by following @HUDUSERnews on Twitter.
Posted December 15, 2021
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