New Reports and Data from PD&R

HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research

Supporting Aging in Place Through IWISH: Second Interim Report from the Evaluation of the Supportive Services Demonstration

The evaluation of the Supportive Services Demonstration is a large, cluster-randomized controlled trial that tests the Integrated Wellness in Supportive Housing (IWISH) model, which leverages coordinated service delivery as a means to better address the interdependent health and supportive service needs among older residents in HUD-assisted properties. The key hypotheses guiding the demonstration are that the IWISH model will reduce unplanned hospitalizations and use of other types of acute care, increase the use of primary and nonacute care, and increase the length of stay in housing by reducing transitions to long-term care facilities. The second report in a three-part series documents implementation over the entire demonstration period (October 2017–September 2020), including fidelity to the IWISH model and the experiences of staff, property owners, and residents.

Review of Energy Performance Contracts in Small and Very Small Public Housing Authorities

HUD manages an Energy Performance Contract (EPC) program so Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) can fund energy efficiency investments from utility savings. Prior research determined that EPCs improve utility performance and the financial and physical condition of subsidized housing. This followup study builds on such research to examine program effectiveness among PHAs with 500 units or fewer and finds that smaller PHAs that used EPCs experienced greater reductions in energy and water consumption than PHAs that did not.

Assessing HUD Technical Assistance Programs: Evaluating Change Since Implementation of Community Compass: Final Research Report

Through interviews, administrative data, and case studies, this report examines the types of technical assistance (TA) that HUD provides, methods for doing so, and effectiveness of TA during the first 3 years of the Community Compass program from 2014-2017. Researchers determine that while most funds continue to be used to customize TA to particular customers, HUD has expanded universal TA approaches such as online training sessions, which are more cost-effective to helping customers dealing with similar challenges. Shifting to the Community Compass model also streamlined TA program administration and the request and review process.

New Housing in High-Productivity Metropolitan Areas: Encouraging Production

This report identifies metropolitan areas with high housing costs and recommends strategies that can be used across a wide range of state and local jurisdictions to increase housing supply so that households of all income levels can access high-productivity areas. Promising strategies include zoning changes that make it easier to build "missing middle" housing types such as accessory dwelling units and duplexes, transit-oriented development, and streamlined design and review requirements and processes.

Evaluation of the Project SOAR Demonstration Final Report

Implemented from 2017 to 2019, Project SOAR aimed to address barriers to college enrollment among HUD-assisted youth aged 15 to 20 through grant funding for education navigators at nine public housing agencies (PHAs). Education navigators sought to help students complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), improve financial literacy, and prepare and apply for college, but were only able to provide face-to-face assistance to less than half of age-eligible residents.

2022 Qualified Census Tracts

The 2022 Qualified Census Tracts and Difficult Development Areas lists are now available on HUD User. The Qualified Census Tracts table generator allows you to generate Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Qualified Census Tract tables for individual counties, individual metropolitan areas, nonmetropolitan parts of individual states, all counties in a single state, the complete table for all metropolitan areas, and the complete table for all nonmetropolitan parts of states.

Posted September 30, 2021

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