APA 2021 Policy and Advocacy Conference
American Planning Association
Wednesday September 29, 2021
WebsiteAPA Announces the 2021 Policy and Advocacy Conference
Your voice is a powerful catalyst. Join us at the Policy and Advocacy Conference to break through the noise with your ideas!
The 2021 APA Policy and Advocacy Conference is a virtual two-day event designed to create tangible change in your community.
Dates: September 29–30, 2021
Location: Virtual
Save 25% if you register by September 7, and get an all-access pass!
With unrivaled opportunities to influence Congressional decision makers, engage with speakers, policy experts, legislators, and changemakers from across the nation, open doors and expand your circles, this event will reinvigorate your passions for leading change in your community.
We're gathering experts to lead the conversations on:
- Zoning reform and planners’ push for change that advances housing access and affordability
- The federal transportation infrastructure program and its significant impact on local and regional planning efforts
- The best approaches to combating climate change and planning's potential to influence the decisions and investments
If you register by September 7, you'll have a guaranteed meeting with your Members of Congress as part of Planners' Day on Capitol Hill and access to all live conference activities, PLUS all the recorded content, including preparatory trainings for Hill Day.
Join us for a powerful, empowering, and inspirational experience that you won’t want to miss.
Posted August 31, 2021
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