HUD User publishes a series of case studies based on federal, state, and local strategies that increase affordable housing opportunities, apply sustainable features and practices, and increase access to public transportation. The projects featured in these reports have demonstrated innovation through a multitude of partnerships and initiatives. Each report outlines a project's objectives and the development strategies used to achieve them.
In the town of Jefferson, North Carolina, Northwestern Regional Housing Authority and its partners worked to develop Historic Ashe Hospital into affordable housing for seniors, while preserving historically significant elements of the old hospital. Opened in 2019, the 46-unit complex offers one- and two-bedroom units for seniors who are at least 62 years of age and people with disabilities who are at least 45 years of age. Residents at Historic Ashe Hospital can receive in-home medical care and access several common areas including a memory room, library, computer room, and a community garden.
Visit HUD User's Case Studies page to learn more about affordable homeownership and to view other promising examples of how communities across the nation are raising the bar on sustainable community development.
Posted June 2, 2021
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