PD&R’s online magazine, The Edge, provides you with a snapshot view of our newly released research, periodicals, publications, news, and commentaries on housing and urban development issues. Stay informed on current topics and check back frequently, as our content is routinely updated.
Message from PD&R Leadership: A Long History of Fair Housing Research
In the leadership message, general deputy assistant secretary for PD&R Todd M. Richardson discusses the past, present, and future of fair housing research in honor of Fair Housing Month. In addition to highlighting the numerous articles, studies, surveys, and reports available on HUD User about the topic, Richardson points out a recent HUD memorandum clarifying that the Fair Housing Act’s protections based on sex do include protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
Featured: Expanding the Housing Choice Voucher Program
This February, Abt Associates held a webinar titled “Expanding the Housing Choice Voucher Program: Why and How,” during which moderator Jill Khadduri and five panelists discussed the necessity and practical realities of expanding the Housing Choice Voucher program. Khadduri suggested doubling the capacity of the existing program due to the lack of affordable housing, and panelists discussed means of increasing landlord acceptance of vouchers, ensuring public housing agencies can attain appropriate staffing, and other solutions.
In Practice: The New Rolland Curtis Gardens Preserves and Expands Transit-Adjacent Affordable Housing in Los Angeles
Opened in 2019 in the Exposition Park neighborhood of Los Angeles, Rolland Curtis Gardens is a mixed-use, transit-oriented development with 138-units of affordable housing. The development, which is close to a stop on the Metro’s E Line, features a large commercial space, a community health clinic, a locally owned market and café, a playground and barbeque area, a community garden, and a resident services center. Owner and operator Abode Communities provides resident services.
Research: Evaluation of the HUD Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program: Early Implementation Report
A recent HUD study assesses the planning efforts and baseline circumstances of 10 local Continuums of Care (CoC) that were awarded funding during Round One of the HUD Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP). Launched in 2016, the YHDP is a research endeavor in which CoCs will produce and implement community approaches to addressing youth homelessness. The report provides an account of the starting circumstances of each CoC, including the local prevalence of youth homelessness, number and type of services offered, and more.
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Posted April 21, 2021
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