Call for Abstracts - Transportation Research Forum 62nd Annual Meeting (virtual)
Transportation Research Forum
Tuesday January 19, 2021
The Transportation Research Forum invites you to submit an abstract to present at its 62nd Annual Forum, to be held virtually this spring. Presenters will receive feedback on their work and can take part in topical debates on transportation issues. This conference will be Tuesday through Thursday April 6-8, 2021.
By Tuesday, January 19, 2021 submit a 2-4 page “extended abstract” at:
You can choose between:
- Virtual podium: 15-minute presentation, 5 minutes for a discussant, 10-minute Q&A
- Virtual poster: 5-minute pre-recorded voiceover of slides, 10-minute Q&A
- Organized themed one-hour sessions: set of papers, panel etc.
With discussants and full audience participation, not a webinar, you can expect an informed and rigorous debate, and insightful feedback.
As always, TRF encourages and rewards submissions from students and young professionals. So please encourage your colleagues and students to submit.
Conference fees are modest, and members receive a discount equivalent to their 2021 membership fee.
For full details and to submit go to:
Even if you can’t attend the conference, please consider joining our prestigous organization, which costs just $50/yr. (rolling 12 months), and $20/yr. for students. You’ll receive insightful news briefs, notices of opportunities, and have access to cutting edge research. Details at
Finally, university students interested in being part of our Student Delegation at the Annual Meeting, which will include networking with professionals and other students, are eligible to apply for free registration. Email [email protected] for details.
Joseph Schwieterman , Ph.D.
VP, Chapter Relations, Transportation Research Forum
Professor, DePaul University
contact: [email protected]
Posted January 8, 2021
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