PD&R’s online magazine, The Edge, provides you with a snapshot view of our newly released research, periodicals, publications, news, and commentaries on housing and urban development issues. Stay informed on current topics and check back frequently, as our content is routinely updated.
Featured: Ensuring Long-Term and Stable Affordability With Community Land Banks and Trusts
In August 2020, the Population Health Learning Collaborative held the Innovations in Naturally Affordable Housing virtual summit to discuss strategies for creating affordable, liveable communities. In one panel, Miriam Axel-Lute of Shelterforce and Doug Ryan of Prosperity Now discussed community land banks and trusts. Because a significant component of the overall cost of housing is the cost of the underlying land, community control of these assets can help maintain long-term affordability.
In Practice: Combining Affordable Housing With Medical Care and Education
Opened in 2018 by the interfaith service organization So Others May Eat (SOME), the Conway Center is a 320,000 square foot development in Washington, D.C’s 7th ward that combines affordable housing with a medical clinic and space for supportive services. The $90 million development has 202 affordable housing units, shared community spaces where residents can receive wraparound supportive services from SOME, and a 37,000 square foot Unity Health Care medical center that serves area residents.
Spotlight on PD&R Data: Modest Growth and a Balanced Housing Market in the Pittsburgh HMA
The latest in a series focusing on HUD’s Comprehensive Housing Market Analyses (CHMAs) examines the Pittsburgh Housing Market Area (HMA). A seven-county area in southwest Pennsylvania, the Pittsburgh HMA experienced modest employment growth throughout 2019, a trend expected to continue for nonfarm payrolls over the next three years. Both the housing sales and rental markets are balanced. This analysis was conducted before the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Posted September 16, 2020
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