TOD Webinar: Regional Planning & Retrofitting Suburbia
TOD Institute
Wednesday July 29, 2020
Join us for the TOD Regional Planning & Retrofitting Suburbia webinar!
Learn important principles and best practices of regional planning and transforming existing suburban areas into great walkable, mixed-use places. A practical webinar for urban designers, planners, architects, developers, environmentalists, and community leaders showing how to initiate the needed transformations of outdated suburban projects and car-dominated places into desirable, urban & sustainable places.
Hear from Ellen Dunham-Jones, Director of the Urban Design Program at Georgia Tech School of Architecture. Ellen wrote the book on retrofitting suburbia in 2009 with June Williamson. The book "Retrofitting Suburbia: Urban Design Solutions for Redesigning Suburbs" documents successful retrofits of aging big box stores, malls, and office parks into healthier and more sustainable places. The book received a PROSE award as the best architecture and urban planning book of 2009 and has been featured in The New York Times, Time Magazine, Harvard Business Review, NPR, PBS, TED and other prominent venues.
Ellen will discuss successful methods of redesigning American suburbs and show how they can absorb new growth in compact forms avoiding more sprawl and the loss of farm land, forests and wilderness areas - working with changing demographics, new lifestyles, and a more diverse economic situation.
Hear from Brent Reynolds, CEO and Managing Partner of Nolan Reynolds, a real estate developer specializing in TOD projects. Brent will discuss his firm's 2 major TOD projects both currently under construction in Miami at metro rail stations. Totalling more than half a billion dollars in project value, the 2 TOD projects are excellent examples of 'retrofitting suburbia' with exemplary mixed-use projects .
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Posted July 21, 2020
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