Winder, Georgia: The Winder Housing Authority Creates a One-Stop-Shop at the Wimberly Center for Community Development
HUD User publishes a series of case studies based on federal, state, and local strategies that increase affordable housing opportunities and support inclusive community development. The projects and community development efforts featured in these reports have demonstrated innovation through a multitude of partnerships and initiatives.
Opened in 2016 in a building that long served as a public school, the Wimberly Center for Community Development is a hub of community services in Winder, Georgia. The 76,000-square-foot building features a production garden, a catering kitchen, a banquet hall, and office and program space for the Winder Housing Authority (WHA) and more than 10 of its nonprofit partners. WHA plans to begin construction on a 73-unit affordable senior housing project on the property neighboring the Wimberly Center in 2020. In 2018, the Wimberly Center won an Award of Excellence in Community Revitalization from the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials.
Visit HUD User's Case Studies page to learn more about affordable housing and to view other promising examples of how communities across the nation are raising the bar on inclusive community development.
Posted July 14, 2020
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