New Updates on The Edge

HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research

PD&R’s online magazine, The Edge, provides you with a snapshot view of our newly released research, periodicals, publications, news, and commentaries on housing and urban development issues. Stay informed on current topics and check back frequently, as our content is routinely updated.

Message from PD&R Leadership: The Philanthropic Response to COVID-19

In the leadership message, director of PD&R's International and Philanthropic Affairs Division Cynthia Campbell discusses the philanthropic sector’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Several major donors have contributed substantially to the national and global effort to address the crisis, and nearly every community foundation in the country is responding. As an example, Campbell lists eight foundations and their areas of concern.

Featured: Aging Research and Resources on HUD User

Meeting the housing and health needs of America’s senior population is one of many issues facing communities across the country. Many seniors wish to age in place, but struggle with housing costs, accessibility, social isolation, and the financial and physical demands of home maintenance. HUD User’s Aging Research and Resources page provides links to relevant HUD-sponsored programs, data, research, and resources helpful for researchers, practitioners, and individuals working to address this area of concern.

Research: Section 811 Project Rental Assistance Program Phase II Evaluation

A recently released PD&R research report explores the outcomes of HUD’s Section 811 Project Rental Assistance Program, which provides rental assistance to extremely low-income, nonelderly people with disabilities. The evaluation compared short-term outcomes of the program against outcomes for similar residents with disabilities in the Section 811 Capital Advance/Project Rental Assistance Contract program, in other HUD rental assistance programs, and receiving Medicaid but not assisted by HUD.

In Practice: Housing Nonprofit and Church Partner To Build Gilliam Place Apartments in Arlington, Virginia

The result of an innovative partnership between a nonprofit housing developer and a Presbyterian congregation, Gilliam Place Apartments provides 173 affordable housing units in an expensive neighborhood of Arlington, Virginia. The $71 million dollar project was completed in 2019 by the Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing, on land sold at a steep discount by the Arlington Presbyterian church. Today, the property includes commercial space and publicly accessible greenspace.

Trending: My Energy Journey

In this article, former PD&R senior advisor for disaster response Dana Bres discusses his efforts to improve the energy efficiency of his home in northern Virginia. The house, a Cape Cod built in 1941 and purchased by Bres in 1992, had retained many of its original features, including single-paned windows, uninsulated walls, and an old forced-air heating system updated with air conditioning. By implementing a variety of changes and updates, Bres achieved substantial monetary and energy savings.

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Posted April 22, 2020

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