Learning from Resilient Design Practice

Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo
Location: San Luis Obispo, CA

A bit of good news in these trying times. It is with much pleasure and relief to announce that the proceedings of the Symposium on Resilient Design: State of the Art and Emerging Issues is now posted on Cal Poly's Digital Commons, and available free.

See: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/ressymp/1/

What is resilient design? How does it work? What are emergent ways to apply resilient thinking? These questions formed the basis for Cal Poly’s College of Architecture and Environmental Design’s symposium Resilient Design: State of the Art and Emerging Issues for the Built Environment. Proceedings editors: William Siembieda and Margot McDonald note that you will find a range of approaches in this 300 page proceeding focuses on learning from practice. Twelve distinguished professionals make it clear that the built and natural environments are inextricably intertwined, and we urgently need a more nuanced and interdisciplinary approach to resilient design. They insisted that we need to act now and be critically aware of the dynamic interaction between systems, because it will be systems thinkers who advance the state-of-the-art in resilient design practice.

Outcomes include A working definition of resilient design, how to emulate life’s blueprints to inform design decisions, how to make the economic case for resiliency, how to balance risk, and a plan for action with 14 state-of-the-art resilient practice elements. The multidisciplinary “informed urbanist”, emerged as the model for the future of leadership in the planning, design, and management of a resilient built environment.

Key words: resilient design, change, working across disciplines, informed urbanist, business case, Informed urbanist.

Posted April 3, 2020

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