Design, Planning and Engineering Services For $2 Million Albany, NY Park Redesign Project
Capitalize Albany Corporation
Friday February 28, 2020
Location: Albany, NY
WebsiteRFP Document Can Be Found Here
Capitalize Albany Corporation is looking for the most innovative, creative professional engineering and design teams that not only think outside the box, but will leave that box behind without a second thought. This is an opportunity to reinvent an existing, underutilized public space at the heart of a critical gateway into downtown Albany, New York.
- Conceptual Design (including Business Plan/Operating Model)
- Final Design (including 100% Drawings and Cost Estimates)
- Construction Documents (including Permits)
- Construction Observation and Administration (Bid Alternate)
Proposal Selection Timeline:
- RFP Issue Date: January 31st, 2020
- Information Webinar Session: February 13th, 2020
- Proposal Submittal Deadline: February 28th, 2020
- Review Proposals Received: Week of March 2nd
- Conduct Interviews: Week of March 9th
- Finalist Selected: March 16th
- Board Approval: March 24th
- Contract Start Date: March 30th
Work on this $2 million project will ultimately result in the renovation of Albany, NY's 11 Clinton Ave. into the Clinton Market Collective at Federal Park — a new market concept and proving ground for startup businesses, diverse pop-up retail, installments by local artists, and signature events. 11 Clinton Ave. is currently an untapped open space located at a critical gateway into downtown Albany that welcomes more than 20,000 visitors daily. This project is funded through the Clinton Square Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) awarded as part of the $100 million statewide DRI initiative. Capitalize Albany Corporation's proposed Clinton Market Collective project was awarded $1 million in funding through the Department of State to design, engineer, and support construction on a redesign of the park, and to create a new public market concept and proving ground for start-up businesses. Additional funds have been identified through the New York State Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) process in the summer of 2020 to support completion of construction.
The deliverables from this proposed procurement will advance the Project by providing final design and engineering, a reliable operating model and cost estimate, and a clear path forward to strengthen a CFA application and stay within DRI timelines. The final project design must meet State standards and the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) must be completed to ready the project for construction.
Responses to this RFP must include a Letter of Submittal; Team Profile, Qualifications and Experience; Project Approach, Scope of Work and Deliverables; Cost Effectiveness; References and Quality of Performance History; certified Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprise status of each firm on the consultant team for review of compliance with the State MWBE goal for this Project; and Non-Collusive Bidding Certification. All of the aforementioned components of the response are further detailed in this Request for Proposals. Interested respondents shall submit one (1) printed original and three (3) printed copies of their proposal, as well as a USB drive containing an electronic (.pdf) copy no later than 5 p.m. EST, Friday, February 28th, 2020. Capitalize Albany Corporation will follow procurement policies and guidelines in compliance with State of New York, NYS Department of State and Downtown Revitalization Initiative requirements.
For any and all inquiries related to this RFP, please contact Chris Medve or Ashley Mohl at [email protected] using the subject line Clinton Market Collective RFP.
Posted February 10, 2020
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